Unexpected Event {2} | 10k Reads Special

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I turned around and saw Lui, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me back to the stage. "What are you doing by yourself?" He quietly asked, I felt my eyes water a bit.

"I can't find them... I-I think mom and dad left me behind..." I quietly answered and wiped my eyes. His expression fell. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. Um, let's take you to the guards..?" He said in an unsure tone. I just nodded.

"Wait here, okay? I just need to talk to the guys about this." He said and walked to the backstage, I started playing with the strings of my hoodie, feeling rather anxious. Not even a minute and he's back, I was relieved.

"Okay, let's go." He said and started walking, I jogged over to him and grabbed his arm. He quietly chuckled.

= ^ = ^ =

We've been waiting here, for my parents or anyone I was familiar with. They've announced that a child was waiting here, for their parents, they even announced my parents' names.

But no one. All strangers trying to convince them that I was their child or their relative. I wasn't that naive, thankfully.

We've waited for two hours, three more minutes before the mall closes. I hoped and hoped that they would come back.

But they didn't.

"They're not coming back..." I said and looked down, I felt the tears dwell up in my eyes again. "H-hey, don't say that. I'm sure they will-" His reassuring words were cut off by the intercom.

"The mall will be closing shortly-" I didn't get to hear anything else by my sobbing. Lui pats my back while telling me comfortable words, it didn't stop me from crying though. But what he said next did,

"Um, you can live with us if you want?"

I stopped sobbing and looked up at him. "R-really?" I asked, he nodded and was about to say something but got cut off again. "Hey Lui, are you- oop.." I heard the familiar voice of Smitty.

I waved at him while my other hand wiped my tears away. "Lui, don't tell me..." Smitty said as he walked over to Lui, they started whispering, making sure I won't hear any of it. Though, it was clear of what they are and would be talking about.


All of a sudden, I am on the milk bag's shoulders. I was shocked but decided not to question it. He began running to the exit with Lui running behind. "H-hey!" He yelled in his squeaker voice as he finally caught up.

We made it outside of the building then they walked to the parking. I was debating if I should ask Smitty to put me down or not, considering I am twelve and.. a lot of changes- you get the point.

"Um, Smitty?" I asked, he hummed in reply. "You can put me down, you know.." "Oh... okay!" He gently settled me down.

When we made our way to a white van (not the sus white van, jeez), the door opened and there I saw different yet familiar faces. It wasn't the same guys earlier in the event, but most likely the faces that didn't attend the event.

"Hey Lui, Hey Smitty- who dat?" Vanoss asked while looking at me with visible confusion and a bit of shock? "Huh- o-oh!" I turned my head and saw Moo, sitting near Vanoss.

"This is.." Smitty hesitated on saying my name so Lui did it, "This is (Y/n), her parents left her- let's talk about this later, yeah?" Lui said, immediately dismissing the topic. He walked in the van and gestured for me to walk in too.

I hesitated but walked in, Smitty followed in behind. Vanoss then closed the door. I took a seat near the window, Smitty sitting to my left while Lui sitting beside him. I quietly yawned and felt myself drift off to sleep.


[ Vanoss' P.O.V ]

I looked at the road in front of me through the window and sighed. "So, we can talk now or if you want, we can talk when we get back to the hotel." I said, trying to break the awkward silence around us.

"Yeah.. so this was the winner, #truefan.." Smitty started and I saw him look at the child whose head was lying on his shoulder through the rear view mirror. I looked back at the road and made a right.

"..just a summary type of thing for now." Lui said before telling us what happened. I was somewhat expecting him to forget the "summary" he said but he didn't.

Once we made it back to the hotel, I parked the car and we all got out. Smitty was about to carry the child but I insisted. "Canadians help a fellow Canadian." I said making him chuckle, I carried them. Their arms found their way around my neck, securing themselves.


[ Your P.O.V ]

Sniff. What on Earth is that smell? It wasn't a bad odor, just someone's cologne.

: ... someone's cologne..

"I think the child is sniffing Evan." A voice said with a laugh, I heard Vanoss laugh too.

Soon, I was on something soft. I'm assuming someone's bed. Several footsteps were heard before it went silent. I'm assuming they left.

I opened my eyes and looked at the bed, the covers and pillows were a nice shade of navy blue. So, whose room is this? I decided to get up and open the door.

"Holy sh- oh hello..?" Wildcat said almost dropping his phone, "Hi." I greeted back. "Is this your room?" I asked while pointing at the room. He shook his head, "That's actually John's room, y'know, Kryoz?" I nodded. "Oh okay, thank you.." I quietly replied.

"Brock told me to check on you even though you just arrived." He explained and putted his phone in his pocket. "I'm alright (*🎸*) but I'm.. very hungry," I answered. "Of course you are," He said while ruffling my hair.

I huffed and fixed it a bit, he walked somewhere so I decided to follow. Is this what a hotel looks like? I've never been in one so I just kept looking around in awe.

"Kid, stop looking around with star eyes." He said in a half joking way. He walked over to a black backpack, I'm assuming his, he opened it and started looking inside of it.

I sat down on the couch, waiting. He then turned to face me after some time and gave me a water bottle and a plastic bag of food. I looked at him, confused.

"What? Its food." I didn't reply but opened the bag and decided to eat some biscuits. Once I finished, I grabbed a (your favorite candy) that I caught a glimpse of. I unwrapped it and began (eating/chewing, etc.) it.

I just noticed now that Tyler was on the phone, "..very. They ate some biscuits and then a single candy, don't worry Brock."

I finished the candy, I gathered all the wrappers and looked around if I dropped any. Once I made sure I didn't, I walked to the kitchen amd there was a trash can. I waddled over to it, stepped on the.. paddle thing, that I still don't know what its called, causing the lid of the bin to open. I put the trash in before removing my foot.

The door opened and I turned to look at someone who walked in. Moo Snuckel! :0

"Oh hello!" He said when he looked in the kitchen, I waved. "You're so cute!" He complimented and began giggling, I felt my face heat up.

: ...this feels nice and new, somehow.

= ♥ = °•°•°•

10k Reads - 11/11/2019

More To Come.

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