Smii7y -- Truth or Dare

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short one-shot

= ♥ = °•°•°•

"Okay, since we're done with the somewhat unnecessary vlog, let's play a game!" John suggested, I eyed him suspiciously, "What game exactly?" I asked as Jaren walks back in the room with us. John smirked, "Truth or Dare."

"Why'd I even ask?" I asked myself with an eye roll. "Oh, so who's going first?" Jaren asked and sat near me making my heart race a bit. "Hm, I guess I'll ask first. Mah boi, Smitty, Truth or Dare?" John asked, "Uh, Tru- n-no, wait.. Dare!" Jaren said, he looked like he regretted his choice. "Oh, dare? I dare you to.." John trailed off and began thinking.

"..unlock your phone and gimme it!" John said with a mischievous grin. Jaren sighed before getting his phone out, assumably unlocking it before giving it. John grabbed it and started typing, I'm assuming.

Suddenly, my phone went off. I took it out and felt my face heat up. It was a tweet from Jaren, but of course I knew it wasn't exactly him, it said:

(a)yourtwitteraccount uwu

I love you so much, (Y/n) ❣️💕

I replied to it and said, Screw off John! I then turned my phone off and putted it away. John then returned Jaren's phone while smirking at me. "Kay, Milkbag, ask away!"

= ^ = ^ =

So far on what happened... I prank called one of my friends, John smelled our shoes/socks, Jaren drank expired milk. There was more but it wasn't really that interesting. Right now, it was John's turn.

"Hmm, (Y/n), Truth or Dare?"

"..Dare." I said with a bit of confidence. "I dare you to kiss Smit- on the lips!" He said. I felt my face heat up, I looked at Jaren, his face was red as well. I leaned in causing him to look away. I took a deep breath and kissed him, I knew he wasn't going to kiss back so I pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I- I should've asked for your permission first!" I said with panic and realization. "No, no, its okay, buttercu- Its fine, really.." He said while awkwardly scratching the back of his head. I looked down in shame.

Suddenly he intertwined his hands with mine making me slightly look at him, "I've been meaning to tell you that I.. I've liked you for so long and I was wondering- would you like to go out with me?" I looked into his eyes then smiled, "Yes.."


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