Terroriser -- Something Else

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Terroriser × Bullied!Gay!Reader (M)

|Warning| : trigger, tad bit depressing

= ♥ = °•°•°•

[ Your P.O.V ]

Yes, I am a male. I get bullied everyday, they bully me... for liking a guy. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, right? Why can't they accept me?

Well at least I have Brian, who is my best friend and not only that, he accepts me for being homo. He's only one year older than me though, that's fine.

I'm just worried that once I have a chance to confess, he'll just turn his back on me and bully me as well. Like that time, there was this student who used to study here as well, but the principal announced they committed suicide. Brian and the other guys were very sad about it. I wonder who that was? I also wonder what happened?

Because everytime I let Brian go with his friends. Which are Evan, Jonathan, Tyler, David, Lui and Marcel. He just said that they 'helped' someone.

Um, anyway..

The bell rang. Everyone got up from their seats, I'm always the last one to leave class. Once I left, I see people gossiping. I sighed as I walked by them, when I did they went silent once I walked past them, they continued gossiping. It was normal.

I walked to my locker, I opened it and out my previous stuff in. I then grabbed my stuff for (favorite subject). It's just the easiest subject for me.

As I was about to walk to class, I tripped on someone's foot. The book/notebook that I was holding fell from my grip and fell to the floor. I was about to hit the floor, but someone caught me.

"The fock is wrong with ye!?" Brian asked as he sets me down. I crouched down and grabbed my stuff. The bullies scoffed, there were two males and two females. The male bullies bully me because I'm not straight like them, the females bully me because they said I was stealing their 'senpai.'

I got up and faced them, scared. The female with blonde hair scoffed, "This bitch is gay, ditch him! And hang out with us~" Blondie said, while her female friend giggles seductively. Now I know their trying to hit on Brian, which is not working, but the two males seemed to get a... you know. Little buddy?

' ' How does that even... Nevermind.. ' '

"Hey my friend here may be homo, but no way in hell I'm ditching him!" Brian said, the two girls either scoffed or rolled their eyes, while the males laughed at the mention of "friend."

"Why not? He's gay, he's weak, he's dumb, he's a fake!" The other female said, who had black hair. I felt tears wanting to escape my eyes. No. I..

I won't cry. You got this.

' ' No you don't. ' '

I lightly shook my head, the thought disappearing. One of the males was about to throw a punch, I couldn't tell if he was aiming to hit me or Brian, but I'm one hundred percent sure he's hitting for me.

Before the guy could even punch, a booming voice stopped him. "Mr. Zachei Lopez, what do you think you're doing?!" It was the principal, with a child around the age of seven behind the principal. The principal's name is Mrs. Sakura.

'Zachei' puts his fist down and looks away, the two girls then started fake crying. "Oh Mrs. Sakura! You came right on time, (Y/n) was about to-" Before the Blondie could finish... Actually, I'll call her Barbie.

Because this blondie is plastic.

"Shut your mouth, Ms. Garny Forturalde!"

' ' Her name's "Garny"? Sounds like Barney.. Eh, I like my name's better. Barbie. ' '

Barbie immediately shuts her mouth, "You four to my office!" Mrs. Sakura said, the four made their way to the office knowing it's the only choice.
Mrs. Sakura then followed after a few seconds, making sure they didn't try escaping. The child stays where they were, then they walked over to us.

"I heard what happened.. I told mama about it tho!" They said, Brian looks down at them and ruffles their hair. "I.. is also sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault." I said and gently pat their head, they look up at me and just nodded, an adorable smile on their face. The bell then rang. The child started running back to find Mrs. Sakura.

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