Recovered Lost Memory-Silent Princess part 2

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Recovered lost memory- The Silent Princess- Part 2


The door rang with the slamming of the fist of the guard, keeping post outside my bedroom door. I was torn from my happy daydream, shooting out of my chair at my writing desk. I heard the thundering march of footsteps towards my bedroom getting louder and louder.

Can I ever get any sort of break? Will they ever let up, just for a moment? I thought to myself as I braced for the door to barge open bearing the guaranteed misfortunes of my nonexistent promise of the Divine Gift.

It was as I predicted. In walked my father, the good and honorable king, along with his retinue of yes-men following close behind. They piled into the room, one after the other, in a grandiose display of orderly fashion. They were so proud of themselves, thinking they could hide the way they secretly scoffed at me. I knew them, though. The look of their condescending eyes alone were enough to reveal the truth behind their fake smiles. I could never have lived up to their vision of what a proper princess should be.

Keeping to herself amid the throng of attendants, however, was one person I trusted. Impa, the lean, silver-haired Sheikah woman, had also entered my room. Among that group's number, she was the only person with whom I shared any kinship. Whether due to both of us being younger than the rest, Impa had never ceased to support me, and I was deeply grateful. Beyond any roles of advisor, though, what I appreciated most was that she was my friend.

"Zelda, why are you still lingering over those books?" He questioned me sternly, his hands shuffling about to fix a nonexistent problem with his coat. He was awfully concerned with appearances while speaking in front of his advisors these days. "There is no time for frivolous reading when the day of reckoning may soon be upon us."

"It is still quite early, Father," I calmly replied, though I was very nearly at my wit's end and could feel the tightening of my fists. This period of imprisonment in my home needed to stop. "I've done as you asked, repeatedly and without question, for as long as I can remember. Are there not even a few minutes during the day that I might keep for myself?"

"You are the first and only daughter of the Royal House of Hyrule," Father spoke, his voice stern. "Your duty comes above all other temporary desires. Just as I must fulfill my duty, so must you fulfill yours. I know we are all asking so much of you, but you are the only one that can accomplish this task. I know you can do this. You are my daughter, and you have your mother's..."

His voice trailed off at the mention of mother. It was as if all memory of her had come flowing back into his mind's eye at once.

It had been years since we last spoke of her to each other and what had happened to her. It was so sudden, the time when she left us alone in this world. He never said a word about it to me, but I knew that the pain of losing her was more than he could bear at times. The wound in his heart left from her passing was as fresh then as the day it happened. At that very moment, my hands loosened, and my heart began to ache for him. I missed her dearly, too, and I wanted to be strong for him.

He cleared his throat and continued, "Now, there is a carriage waiting for you. Don't delay them, and spend today at the Sanctuary. Perhaps more time praying and devoting yourself to the Goddesses and less to your books will do more to earn us their grace."

Ignoring my attempt to speak up, Father proceeded to walk out of my room, along with his attendants. The others looked back to me as they left, but only Impa's glance offered any sort of encouragement. The rest were content to simply frown back at me as if knowing I'd failed my task before it even properly began. I wanted to scream as they stomped their way out of my quarters.

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