The Party That Changed Everything Pt. 2

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Location: Stephanie's House Party
Time: 1:14 am

(An arm reached outside of the bathroom, grabbed Ace's shirt, and pulled him in)

Ace: *excited and relived to see his lover, Johnny* I've missed you!

(Ace and Johnny passionately kiss. Stinking up the bathroom, Johnny moves his lips lower and lower on Ace's body. His face meets his pants, and he eagerly unbuckles his belt. Ace lets out an excited toot)

Ace: *blushing* Oopsie Poopsie!

(Stephanie is sitting in her room, mascara running down her face, upset that she made a fool of herself in front of Reese)

Stephanie: *sobbing* I HATE HIM! I hate how much he affects me! And I hate how my bff is dating him! And I hate how I can't suck his dick anymore! I cannot believe he dumped me because I threw up clam chowder on his dick. That doesn't give me the right to break up with me and fuck my bff!

(Stephanie reaches in to her desktop drawer. She pulls out a rolled blunt with a fair amount of cocaine sprinkled through out the blunt)

Stephanie: She ruined my month, I'm gonna ruin her life. *cackles evilly*

*After getting sloppy toppy from Johnny in the bathroom, he heads back to the party and finds a very intoxicated Natalia vaping and twerking on sophomore, Austin*

Ace: *rolls eyes and crosses his arm* Twerking? On a sophomore? Very mature. We are juniors, Natalia!

Natalia: *stumbling over* Chill out GRANDPA! I'm gonna go piss. Hold my juul and my jacket.

(Natalia throws her things in Ace's arms. He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch, thinking about the succ he just received)

(Stumbling to the bathroom, Natalia sees Johnny)

Natalia: *slurring her words* When did you get so fine, silly?

Johnny: Since always, DUH! I want head, let's go to the bathroom

Natalia: you know what, I will!

Johnny: bet

Natalia: bet

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