The Party That Changed Everything Pt. 1

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Location: Stephanie's House Party
Time: 11:36 pm

*Stephanie Conan, the bitchiest, most popular girl at Awsten Knight High School, home of the Bulldogs. Hosting her annual End Of School party, she cooked up a plan*

Stephanie: *opens the door for guests* Welcome to my fabulous house! The party is downstairs!

(Madison-Jade and Valentina file in along with other teenagers eager to get black out drunk)

Riley: Don't you think we've reached full capacity? I don't think your mom would appreciate the cops coming again

Stephanie: *rolls eyes* shut up foo. What about your precious boyfriend rEeSe? He hasn't showed yet.

Riley: *blushes* Here he comes!

* Reese hurries to the door as Stephanie tries to close the door on him*

Stephanie: *trying to close the door on Reese* Sorry! We have reached full capacity!

Reese: *struggling to keep the door open because Stephanie is oddly strong* C'mon Stephanie, are you still mad that I let you suck my dick and then cuffed your best friend?

Stephanie: *turning red* You can't come in!

*Reese manages to push the door open, knocking Stephanie on her ass*

Riley: Hey babe!

Reese: Hey boo, let's go downstairs.

*Riley and Reese head downstairs, leaving Stephanie green with envy*

Stephanie: Oh what I have in store for those two!

*In the basement, Ace and Natalia are dancing in the middle*

Natalia: This is so fun! Amiright?

Ace: Yeah its ok....

Natalia: *whispers in Ace's ear* How about you come back to my house after the party?

Ace: That sounds great... But I have to get up in the morning early.

Natalia: Ok babe! Maybe next time

*Ace checks his phone and smiles*

Ace: I'm gonna head to the bathroom really quickly, ok? I will catch up with you later.

*Ace moves past drunk teenagers and fights himself
to the bathroom. When he arrives to the bathroom, he takes a deep breath, and knocks a special knock. An arm reached outside of the bathroom, grabbed Ace's shirt, and pulled him in*

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