Chapter 8

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Avan POV

Yesterday when she told me to talk to her about the night, my heart just felt on my feet.

I had nothing to tell. And I was shocked when I, myself, told her to meet me today so I could tell her everything.

Luckily she declined. But I guess I act cool enough to not to let her understand that something was up.

How could I tell her I used her drunkenness and was about to sleep with her.

What if what she told me was just because she was drunk and she didn't know what was she saying and what if she remember what I told her?

Just one word can describe the situation if this possibilities happen: screwed.

She can not find out I have feelings for her. Not until I sure if she has it to.

Even then I can't. I'm still with Zoey and ai can't hurt her like this. Plus, that way Liz would never trust me.

So I thought I had to gather things together and find a solution to hide this from her for as much as I can but still be able to be in touch with her.

And that was when I got that idea.


"Alright everyone. That's it for today, meet you here tomorrow for the second table read and rehearsal." I saw a man saying, which I recognized it was Denis Leary by his voice.

I walked forward and searched for Liz, finding a figure with dark hair with curls at the end with a black long sleeve dress with skirt above her knees.

And there she was I leaned to the wall beside me (the entrance) which I was aware and totally sure she was going to come this way.

She packed her stuffs and was seen saying goodbyes right before she turned back to exit the place, but stopped when she saw me there with a smooth smile.

She was smiling but the smile disappeared for a moment as she zoomed out for some seconds. She quickly shook it off and continued walking up to the location were I was within a smile, various from the previous one.

"What are you doing here?" She asked trying to look cool.

"Just here to see you. Are you alright?" I shrugged.

"Yeah- yeah I guess. Still feeling guilty tho." She took a shaky breath and chuckled slightly and nervously, trying to calm herself down which definitely could show she was nervous and ashamed.

"So, now that I'm here, you wanna go to a cafe or something? Maybe get something to drink or what?" I tried my best to look chill while offering. For some reason I was scared if she would bring my promise about telling her the truth up.

Well, technically just one reason which was enough for letting me regret for my offer.

"I really should go home-" she replied in a 'I'm-sorry' voice but didn't finished her sentence like she remembered a thing.

Oh no.

"Em, in the second thought I think I'd like to." She oddly nodded. Which made me scared because it could be a sign about a plan to ask me about the night.

Trying to be optimistic, I smiled with a nervous expression behind that I succeeded in hiding it and we started walking to a cafe.

As soon as we arrived at the coffee shop on the next street, we were guided to a table for two and a waiter came over to us to take our orders.

Liz picked a black coffee and went with a one with milk and the waiter went away.

"So." I tried to start a conversation before she could to prevent the possibility of her asking about the night.

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