Chapter 9

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Liz's POV

"I mean what happened last night?"
"Em... I..."

I was waiting for him to answer. It seemed like it was hard for him to answer as much as it was hard for me to ask.

But I have no clue why. Like, this would be hard for him if I had say I love him and he said it back and then that would be tragic.

And awkward of course.

I didn't know what I wanted him to say. I mean, I didn't know how to react whether he said yes or no.

Finally he stopped hawing, "I believe that you said nothing that surprised me." He said, "Because you know, you- you were drunk so, things you said were expected from drunks.

"So I didn't said anything unexpected?"

"Except the weird, unstable laughters, no. You said nothing." He coolly snickered which his words made me chuckle softly.

I let a sigh of relief out when he said that, being careful for him to not realize it after I was sure I didn't express my love.

That would be just odd.

But I guess I did react good, unlike what I was expecting myself. Which is a cool stuff.

We both finished our coffees and the conversation, starting by him asking about my day at the set and finished by our memories of Victorious.

The ding voice of notification was heard from my phone. I could recognize that it was one from YouTube so I didn't cared and just kept talking with Avan.

After that he asked if I needed a ride but since I had my car then it was fine.

We were about to get out when I stopped him.

"What's up?" He asked.
"Em, I don't think we should leave this place with each other." I started to explained, "I mean there are already some paparazzis out there who are thirsty for news. And people are gonna talk."

"You're right. But don't people know we are friends? Come on it would be fine." He disagreed which was kind of acceptable.

We are friends so that was fine if some pics of us would be published. We already posted some, each time we met.

So that was fine.

"So you're fine to be seen with me?" I joked which he gave me a you-serious look and made me laugh, "just kidding."

He smiled as we both got out, soon getting blind with some paparazzis' flashlights.

We smiled to them and let them take some pics as we walked away to our cars.

Opening my car door, I put my car key in the ignition and tried to turn it on while I was on my phone checking the notifications, including the one I received some minutes ago while I was at the cafe.

"Oh holy shit!" I sweared uncontrollably after seeing the title of the uploaded video.

Ariana Grande's interview about the Manchester attack

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