Chapter 19

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Liz's POV

2 days had past, normally. A day at the set and the second one... at the set as well.

But now, today was the day Ariana was coming back.

Even though the days were like usual, but I still couldn't keep the thoughts away.

Especially today.

After all Ari was coming back and I was going to be aware of what was up with the text I received and I responded when I actually didn't.

Ariana and I planned on meeting up at Starbucks close to Ariana's to talk and I could tell not only I was concerned about the Text thing, but also she was, about what could this talk be about.

We did well for the last seen before the break, so now it was the break.

I went on and made my way to the
room with the label on the door that says "Elizabeth Gillies (Gigi Rock)" which happens to be my dressing room.

I hopped on the couch after I got in and laid on it, scrolling down my Instagram.

That was when I saw the post.

Avan's post.

That reminded me how I hadn't talked to him in these 2 days.

I definitely am going to after the meeting with Ariana.

Back to the post, it was a picture of him and Zoey, with him kissing her forehead.

He definitely wanted to announce that the rumors of us dating was not real.

It wasn't I know. However I wished it was.

I sighed putting the phone aside. And a while later I was seen on the couch with my eyes closed, almost fast sleep.

Then I heard the knock on the door, waking me up.

It was time to go back to work.


It was around 6 pm when I got out of the set.

I checked my phone to see if I had a call, text or something from Ariana since I wasn't able to use it during the shooting.

I had a text from Ari, as expected.

It said that she just landed and will be at the Starbucks at 7 pm, when we agreed at.

I had the text 3 hours ago so I knew she had time to rest so I wasn't bothering her.

I put my phone down and was about to put it in my bag when I got another notification.

I didn't knew if it was important or not. Still I simply shrugged and took the phone up again and looked at the screen.

-we need to talk.


Ariana's POV

"Thank you." I thanked the butler as I got out of the car to go to the Starbucks Liz and I planned to be there.

I got in but didn't spot Liz anywhere.

I was about 15 minuets late so I was wondering where Liz could be. Was she stuck in traffic? I didn't know.

I decided to order a 'Grande' (which I appreciate they named it that) and go sit somewhere and wait for her to arrive.

After 15 more minuets of waiting, I started to get worry. She couldn't be in traffic for 30 minuets. And she also wasn't the type to be late.

She was one of the most on time people I've ever seen.

I tried calling her but it kept reaching the voicemail.

I was about to give up on waiting and leave the place when I saw her on the doorway and it was obvious she was rushing.

As soon as she saw me she let a breath out and walked toward me.

"Thanks God you haven't left!" She said as she came to me and we hugged.

"Yeah. No problem." I simply said.

"I'm sorry tho." She apologizes while pulling a chair out and sat on it.

"Any reason?" I asked wanting to know.

"Yeah I'll tell you but before that we have to talk about something."

As I heard her saying that, I got worried as if she understood the pregnancy thing.

Though, I tried to hide the worried expression.

"Okay?" I said and waited for her to talk as I felt slightly more nervous.


Avan's POV

I sent the text feeling like I couldn't take it anymore.

We both had feelings for each other but we were both silent at that point.

But just in a second I felt regret.

I should have sent that message. I mean, what was I even going to tell her. Or talk about.

Hey Liz, I wanted to tell you that I love but I'm going to be a dad in few months with some other woman's child?

Haha, no thanks.

And then came what I didn't want to come.

-okay fine by me. When?

Okay, now at least I could do something. So I texted back.

Whenever you want.-

Stupid me. Why did I said that? What if she say to meet up right now?

-in 2 days? After shouting you can come get me.

Okay that's fine with me.-

Okay that was good. At least I had time to think. Think about what I possibly can do. Ain't that good?

Who was I kidding? I was messed up. And I felt messed up.

I hoped Liz wasn't feeling this way because it's horrible. And I didn't wanted hey to feel that way.

Just, I know one of us should do something. And since I'm the only one aware of both side, that person should be me.

I'll do it.

A.N/ I think I owe you an apology for updating so late, but whatever. I didn't want to update something bad so it toke long.
Btw, give me ideas, opinions or whatever you want in comments.
And thank you if you are doing it.
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