Chapter 5

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// I've been dreaming 'bout us
Working hard and saving it up
We'll go and see the man on the moon
My girl we've got nothing to lose //


We spent the next couple of days binge watching Netflix series', and eating a shit ton of ice cream. I kept wondering though. How long did she have feelings for me? Even then, were they real feelings? Or was I a rebound? Something to satisfy her.

I stopped myself from going down that route. We were best friends. There was no way I was a rebound move.

My phone began to ring. It was Amelia. She had gone out for a walk.


"Yes, darling?"

"I'm heading to the studio. Feel free to come down at some point. Or not. It's up to you." I could tell she was smiling.

"I'll see you down at some point." I replied, and she hung up the phone.


I fumbled with my keys as I arrived at the studio. I unlocked the door, flicking on the lights. I stumbled into the changing room, buzzing with excitement. My team would be here soon.

I changed into a black leotard, nude tights, my jazz shoes and a white floaty skirt tied around my waist. I tied my hair into a high ponytail, hair spray holding all the fly-always in place.

I made my way to the dance floor. Andres had just appeared.

"Amelia, this is sick!" He gave me a hug. Andres used to be my dance partner in my competing days.

"Thanks! Tom did it all! He'll be here soon too!" I smiled, showing Andres to the changing room.

"I'm so excited to get back to work! Who else is coming?"

"Well there's Tom, hopefully we can get him in on it. And then there's Derek, AJ, Matt, Lucy, Erin, Ashley and Beth." I replied as he changed out of his sweatshirt and jeans into a vest top and joggers.

"Forgot how ripped you were." I smirked as we headed back into the studio. By this point, everyone else had arrived except for Matt and Tom.

"Changing room through there. Come straight back here once you're ready!" I grinned as I began to visualise my team and I dancing as one. I couldn't wait.

"Hey, A! Sorry I'm late!" Matt came running in, Tom hot on his heels.

"Matt! How are you?" I jumped into his arms, mine tight around his neck. My best friend from dance college.

"All the better for seeing you my dear!" He laughed, spinning me around.

"Hey Amelia!" I heard Tom pipe up from behind me.

"Tom! You came!" I ran over to give him a tight hug.

"Who are these people?" Tom asked.

I did a quick fire round of introductions.

"This is it. My team. Our team. We're getting the band back together, but with one extra element of fire." I winked at Tom.

"Tom, welcome to the Misfits Dance Team." I threw a jacket at him. It was our team jacket, our name on the front and his surname emblazoned on the back.

"Woah. Really?" He grinned as he tried it on.

"Yeah! Now. Let's get started. Andres, you'll be dancing with me, as usual. Tom, with Ashley, Derek with Erin, Matt with Beth and AJ with Lucy." I grabbed a bottle of water as the gang got into their pairings.

"Uh, Amelia? Why am I not dancing with you?" Tom asked quietly.

"I danced every comp with Andres. We work really well together. Tom, it's only dancing." I knew what was going through his head.

"Ah I see. Ok." He smiled as he walked over to Ashley.

"Ok guys! Pay attention. I've applied for us to go to the Nationals in Manchester. We should hear back within the next few weeks. If we get accepted, we have to submit a visual application. The first one is a written one. So, I'll be your choreographer, and coach. The song we will be dancing to is "Man on a Mission" by "Oh the Larceny". Sound good?" I explained.

"Yess!" Andres was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Calm down A. Right. Here's how we're gonna start."

We spent the next six hours choreographing the two and a half minute routine. Everyone had the basic gist of it by the end of the day apart from Tom, who seemed to be struggling slightly.

"Tom? Everything ok?" I approached him once everyone had left.

"Yeah. Just been a while since I was taught a routine that's all." He attempted his leaps again, stumbling as he landed. He lay on the floor, spread out like a starfish.

"Tom? What's going on?"

"Nothing Amelia. It's fine."

I sat next to him.

"No it's not. I know you, Thomas. This isn't like you." I murmured.

"It's just-I love you. I'm in love with you. I know you said you wanted to take it slow, but I can't help having these feelings. And seeing you with Andres, and with Matt, reminds me that I might as well not bother wait, because in the end you're gonna go with someone better than me, and I just need to get over myself." He stood up, and started walking away.

"Tom." He ignored me.

"Thomas Stanley Holland get your ass back in here." I choked out. I was on the verge of tears.

"I love you, Tom. Hell, after the day we had the day I broke up with Cameron, I thought you knew. But you have to remember I just ended a three year relationship. It's not easy. I need time to grieve. And if you can't wait then maybe we'd be better off not being together at all, but I will not have you assume you're not good enough. If anything you're too good for me, and I don't know how I got so lucky to have you in my life. But if you can't see that, and you can't be by my side as I grieve for a love that has just died, then maybe you should just leave." My voice began to raise as the tears began to spill.

"Amelia, I don't know what the fuck you're playing at. One minute you're crying over Cameron, the next you're sleeping with me, and telling me you love me, and then it's back to moping over Cameron. I don't understand it." He was angry. I've never seen him like this. Not towards me.

"Tom, no! I've loved you for over a year! Didn't you hear me when you were in the hospital?! I couldn't do anything because I was dating him. And then when we broke up it was all just a bit overwhelming and I didn't know what was going on in my head! I just needed time to sort it out!"

"Whatever Amelia. I see how Andres looks at you, how Matt looks at you. I know that look too well, because that was how I looked at you."

And with that, he stormed out of the studio, not looking back.

Had I just lost my best friend, and potential lover?

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