Chapter 9

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//My girl, my girl
It takes one hot second to turn it around
It takes one hot second to turn it around//

"Amelia! Come on, we're gonna be late!"

It was three months later. I was sitting at my vanity table finishing my makeup. Today was competition day. My team and I were about to head to our first competition of the season.

"Coming!" I grabbed my little suitcase stuffed with hair and makeup products for touch ups, costumes, jazz shoes, food, drinks, and various bits and bobs I might need during the day.

Tom was driving us all there - we had hired a mini bus.

After the events with Ashley and Tom, and the case was investigated, it turns out that Matt was also involved, so I dropped them from the team. Tom was now dancing with me, and Andres with Lucy.

Arriving at the venue, I was terrified. What if it didn't go well? What if the nerves got the better of everybody and we didn't perform as well as we should?

All these questions were spinning around in my head, particularly as coach and choreographer. There's a lot more pressure on me due to the fact that I gave them this routine, and that the choreography and technicality is 70% of the team score sheet. It was a tough competition. It was the UK Nationals. The biggest competition in the UK.

"Ok. Team huddle!" I called everyone in.

"Ok. Warmup is in twenty minutes. Then stretch. Then tricks. Then we get to practice on the actual floor. Not the one in front of the judges, but the other one in a separate hall. Then, we go to holding. Then we perform for the judges.

"This is the biggest performance of our lives. We need to give it our all. This is more than just a competition, this is the UK National Champion we're fighting for. Ok? Hands in!"

We all put our hands into the middle of the circle.

"1, 2, 3, MISFITS!" We grabbed our costumes, heading to the changing rooms.

The girls had long, maroon dresses, with their hair down, little curls in the bottom. The boys were in marching maroon trousers and a shirt, left open. We all had the same style jazz shoe - a simple sock sort of shoe that covered the balls of our feet to help with turns.

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We looked fabulous

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We looked fabulous. We had a quick team picture before heading to warmup.

The next fifteen minutes went by really quickly. Before we knew it, we were in holding, our team name being announced.

"Please make some noise, for the nationally acclaimed, Misfits!"

We went on, and got into our positions. I glanced quickly at the judges. I knew every single one of them. Great.

We had changed the routine and the song, due to Matt and Ashley being dropped out. We changed the song to "Rise Up" by Andra Day.

We danced our hearts out. When we stood in our line at the end of the routine, I knew we had danced it the best we ever had.

(Video of routine in my Story Music Highlights) 💕

Coming off the floor, and heading back to our seating area, we were in tears, from relief, that it was over, and pride for what we had just accomplished.

Awards rolled around not too long afterwards. Here we go. All the dancers were called to the floor. We sat in a circle, awaiting results.

"In third place in Senior Jazz - ACB!"

"In second place in Senior Jazz - CCA!"

"And In first place, we have The Misfits!!"

We won. We won National Champion! I couldn't believe it. I went up to collect the trophy, and the team came to get a picture taken.

"And, in an exciting twist, we now have the Grand Champion prize! So, whoever scored the highest marks out of all of our divisions put together is the winner!"

"So! Taking home the title of Grand Champion, please give it up for...


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