The Birth of Goten!

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Zoey's POV

I was playing tag with Trunks all around the hospital floor. I know what your thinking 1 year olds can't do that! Well hey, Trunks and I are half-Sayians we pretty much can do that I guess.

Gohan: Zoey, Trunks! Stop running around! Before one of you gets hurt.

Me: No way!

Trunks: No!

And we continue the game. I soon stop running and BOOM! 💢💥 Trunks tripped over me!

Me: Hey Trunks!

Trunks: What?

Gohan: Did I told you two or what?

Trunks and I: Gohan!

Gohan: Hahaha.

Ugh! I hate it when my older brother does that! But I love him. He once told me that Bulma and my mom wanted Trunks and I to be a ship! Eww! I can not imagine what Trunks and I would look like with each other dating! Yuck! Gohan also said that both Trunks and my parents cut off our tails when where two months of age!

Trunks: Hey, Gohan. How many times you been in the hospital?

Me: Yeah big bro! You never told!

Gohan: Well, one when I was born, two when your born Trunks, three when Zoey's born, and now four because of a new baby bro.

Trunks: Haha! I'm older!

Me: Well, I'm clever than you are.

Trunks: Yeah right!

Me: Yes I am let me show you!

I suddenly jumped up in the air and floated well floated an inch off the ground.

Me: Haha! I'm clever!

Trunks: That's not fair! I bet Gohan taught you right, Gohan?

Gohan: Sorry Trunks she learned that all by herself!

Trunks: Aww man!

Unfamiliar voice: Zoeyisha Mariebella Son get your feet on the ground!

I looked behind aww man! It's Piccalo! I did what I was told man, I hate it when people use my whole name. I mean I don't mind it. It's just people I know only use it when I am doing something bad. Flying or floating isn't bad! But when it comes to strangers they have no choice to call my rightful name.

Gohan: Hiyah Piccolo! Boy I never saw you in a year!

Piccalo: Aww, don't sweat it kid. I'm just looking after your sister now.

Gohan: Haha, even though it's been a year, I'll never forget this little suckers birth!

Gohan than pinch my left cheek! Man I so wanted to punch him in the face. Trunks just started poking Gohan. They both then stop what they were doing.

Me: Piccolo, since you have Kami inside you isn't your rightful name Kamiccolo?

My big bro told me about that.

Piccolo: Don't say that name! I already blanked it out of my system I don't want it back in.

Me: Alright, if you say so.

Just then my papa came out of another room. With of course a halo above his head.

Papa: Gohan, Zoey you want to meet your baby brother!

We both nodded. Gohan than picked me up. And we followed my dad to another room. I then saw a little blanket. I'm guessing it's my baby brother.

Mama: Zoey, Gohan come meet your new baby brother.

Gohan carried/walked me to the side of the bed and put me down I then saw a baby boy in the blanket. He had my father's hair.

Gohan: Mom, what's his name?

Me: Yeah mom. What is it!

Just then my grandfather Ox-King came into the room.

Grandpa: Hey Chi-Chi sweety Goku, can I give it another shot on the name game?

Mama and Papa: Go right ahead!

Grandpa: Okay, I have Ox-King Junior, Ox-Man, Ox-Turtle... Blah, blah, blah.

I had stop listening after Ox-Turtle. Where does my Grandps find these names. I mean seriously. Then Gohan, gave me a look saying 'You thinking what I'm thinking?' I returned the look with my look saying 'Yup.'

Gohan and I: *whispear* Goten.


Me: Pardon me Grandps! But Gohan and I found a name!

Grandps: Well, okay maybe the next child if you have one.

Papa: What was it you two?

Gohan: It was Goten!


Me: Yass! We found a name for Goten!

I high five Gohan. I can not believe it! Our baby bro actually likes his name! Yes!

Me: Hey Papa, look what I can do!

I suddenly jump up and floated like I did before. I know Papa didn't mind but my mom did.

Mom: Zoeyisha Mariebella Son! Do not do that in front of your baby brother!

I stopped again! Man, now Goten is the baby and I'm a sibling that has to grow up fast to protect my younger sibling or siblings depending. I know being the middle child isn't that much protecting, that's up to the oldest. But still the second oldest has to have a responsibility on protecting the youngest when the oldest has something else to do. Man, I never thought of that.

Suddenly the next thing I know the whole Z Fighters came in!

Krillin: Goku, are you four ready for a family photo?

Daddy: Yeah, but wait, who wants to hold the baby? Gohan? Zoey?

Gohan: I think Zoey should!

Me: Me?!?! With these spaghetti arms! Heck no! I might even have butter arms!

Gohan: It's butter fingers not butter arms, Zoey!

Me: Same thing!

I knew that it was kind of a family thing, because Gohan said he had to hold me the first time. It's not like I didn't want to it's just I am still just a baby trying to grow up!

Gohan: Fine, I'll hold Goten.

Me: Thank you!

Gohan: Your welcome but on one thing. You have to take care of Goten besides the changing, feeding thing.

Me: Mhmmm!

Aww man, I have to keep a close eye on Goten! My dad handed Goten to Gohan. Aww man I just realize something! My father and my two bros' name's starts with G's and my mother and I with a C and a Z. That's kind of funny don't you think?!?!

Krillin: Okay you four. One.... Two.... Three!


Krillin then walked over and Gohan was happy. But for me I was happy too.

Krillin: Okay now, Zoey here is the photo that you were first born.

Krillin gave me a photo and I saw Me! With my Sayian hair! Haha, and what seems to be my tail. Wow, I wonder if I am ever going to get my tail back. Ehh.

Zoey the daughter of Goku (DBZ FAN FIC)Where stories live. Discover now