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Louis woke up at 8 am to the sound of birds chirping and to the early morning sun. He sleepily sat up and shook his head, getting the hair out of his face. The first thing he did was grab his phone, noticing he had one new message. It was from Niall. Louis read the message that lit up on the phone screen.

Hey Lou! I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Harry to go have some coffee and scones?

Louis' head started to spin. He didn't know how to reply. He did want to go, but he was nervous at the same time thinking that Harry was going and that Louis was going to have to eat. The thought of eating made his skin crawl. But, he couldn't say no, so he replied:

Would love to thanks Ni!

Louis could not believe he just said yes. "Oh fuck." Louis whispered. Then his phone lit up once more.

Awesome! See you at 9!

Louis sighed. He had one hour to himself, just one. He decided he needed to get ready though. He slipped out of bed and to his closet to choose what he should wear. After ten minutes of looking, he finally found a gray almost black flowy shirt that did not cling to his body and his favorite black jacket. He slipped that on before going to the bathroom to adjust his hair and look at his body to make sure the outfit did not cling. He lastly had still a few minutes to himself so he decided to go on some social media websites because he was bored. He scrolled through his twitter and read a tweet Ashton had just tweeted. Louis smiled. Louis was so glad he had found such a wonderful band to tour with for two years straight, they were known as 5 seconds of summer. One direction and 5sos had become super good friends, and it was great that they got to tour with one direction, for this was their last time. Louis always felt relaxed when Ashton was around though, because Ashton used to cut. Louis didn't feel so weird around him, because to Louis, Ashton was just like Louis, just another troubled person trying to find color in this black and white world.

Louis was almost at the coffee shop. He walked with his hoodie on and jacket zipped up. No one knew it was him thank god. When he arrived at the coffee shop, he saw Niall and Harry standing in the coffee line. It was so weird that they could even go out on the streets without being mobbed. Louis started to ponder about why that was, but couldn't seem to find an answer, so he simply shrugged to himself and decided to go in the shop. Not getting mobbed was actually nice for once. Mobs typically gave Louis anxiety, as conceited as that sounded. As soon as Louis walked in, Niall greeted him joyfully. Harry did greet him but just with a quiet hi. Louis' mind drifted far and fast as the three of them moved in rhythm as the coffee line shortened. Louis was thinking about what to get; What would be the easiest to puke. He did not know what, so he decided maybe if he lied and said he wasn't hungry, he would just have the coffee. "Easy." Louis thought. Niall suddenly interrupted his thoughts. "Louis your turn to order." Niall said with a big grin on his face. "Oh right," Louis said shyly, "I apologize. Can I have a coffee please?" "Do you want creme or sugar in that?" The young worker wearing a lulu lemon headband asked with a fake smile that Louis for some reason wanted to smack off her face. "No, just black. Thanks," Louis replied flatly. Then, Niall felt the urge to intervene: "Really? You aren't going to get anything to eat?". "No, I'm not very hungry this morning. Probably the time change from going place to place." Louis lied. Niall was completely convinced by the statement, but Harry didn't seem very convinced. He raised his eyebrows and just gave Louis a suspicious look. But Louis ignored him.

They took a seat at one of the tables in the back corner of the place. They all quietly sipped their caffeinated beverages when finally Niall spoke. "I tried to invite Liam and Zayn. Zayn is spending a day with Perrie and Liam's voice is still awful so he is resting." "Bummer." said Harry. "yeah what a bummer." said Louis. Now that they had talked a little bit Niall started to tell stories like he always did and Louis and Harry just listened. Louis was focusing on not drinking any coffee and just pretending to take a sip every so often. Harry was focused on Louis. Louis did not realize it though. Harry was watching Louis with a confused expression on his face and just watching Louis through his every move. Eventually, Louis noticed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" This seemed to suprise Harry. "Oh uhm no reason. Just daydreaming." Harry stammered. Louis squinted at Harry. Back when they were a couple, Louis always would tell Harry how he knew Harry was lying. If he would just squint at him and look into his eyes he could see the lie. Harry seemed to remember this too, for he seemed to give Louis a painful hurt look. Louis couldn't take it anymore, this whole thing. Being around Harry like this was too hard, too painful to remember. "I think I better get going," Louis said with a worried look on his face. Niall stopped telling his story and glanced over at Louis. "Okay!" Niall said cheerfully. Louis liked Niall in that way; The way that he was so oblivious to everything he heard. Harry though, Harry was not. But Louis was in too much of a rush to care, in such a rush he whisked right past the table and accidentally touched Harry's hand. What was the weirdest part? Harry latched onto Louis' small hand and held it tight before releasing it and letting Louis run off. Louis did not think about the hand holding until he was back at the flat. He was totally confused about the whole situation. Harry wasn't in love with him, why would he do such a thing?

Louis sat on his bed, holding his coffee cup in his hand. He popped off the lid and looked at the dark substance in the cup. He felt his whole body tremble. "Come on Louis, one tiny sip won't fucking kill you," he thought. He brought the cup to his lips, but quickly put it back down. He then stuck his finger in the liquid, surprised to find it had gone completely cold. "You won't drink cold coffee, that's disgusting. So are you" he thought as his body trembled with disgust.

He quickly tossed the still full cup in the trash.

Even though he hadn't taken one sip of the coffee, Louis purged again because he just couldn't stop because it was just such a awful habit. An awful habit he needed help to break.

"I can't believe I thought of drinking that coffee," Louis laughed to himself.

Louis decided to go on a run for the rest of the day to forget his troubles. He left the flat, deciding he wouldn't come back for several hours.

About two hours in, Louis was running at a high speed and wasn't paying attention. He suddenly ran right into someone. He fell to the ground, and his knees and elbows got scraped up. He looked up to see who he bumped into, and his stomach dropped.


"Lou! Let me help you up." Harry said in shock. He grabbed Louis' arm and pulled him right up. This caused an alarmed look to appear on harry's face. Louis was so light to pull. Louis didn't think much of it. "Thanks." Louis said flatly before beginning to run again. "Woah wait!" Harry shouted racing after him and jumping in front of him, blocking his pathway from running. Louis almost bumped right into Harry all over again. "Fuck! Harry, what do you want?" Louis mumbled. "I was wondering what... what you were doing..?" Harry said shyly. Louis perked up and had to glance high up to look at Harry's face. He still had that fluffy curly hair and those bright green eyes. Louis just hadn't seen his dimples yet because Harry hadn't smiled yet. "Just running. What else would I be doing?" Louis said sassily. Oh yeah well obviously," Harry blushed, "Silly me. Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow? Maybe we can go see a movie or something? Harry asked. At first Louis could not believe the words he just heard. Harry wanted to hang out with him? This shocked Louis, shocked him so much Louis almost stumbled backwards in disbelief. Then he realized he had been dreaming of this very moment for years.

"Here is your chance. Take it." He thought to himself.

Louis gulped. "Would love to." he said with a sheepish grin. That's when Harry grinned back, and Louis saw those big, familiar dimples. "Great! See you tomorrow!" "Alright." Louis said before jogging off. What the fuck had he just done. A movie? Really? That was going to be hard for Louis. "Oh well", He thought. "It's for Harry."


Okay, I apoligize for this chapter. It sucks ass I know, but I promise it is going to start to get better. Just try to ignore this chapter ever happened. Chapter 3 will be posted soon, I'm just busy with school.

Alright have a great day my loves:)!

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