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"Louis, It's Harry. Can I come in?"

Louis' blood turned cold. He didn't know what to do. He stood there, frozen. He couldn't open the door and leave, Harry was there. Harry had trapped him. Louis didn't know what to do. He had to let Harry in or else it would be a huge fight, and he didn't have the energy to argue. Louis walked to the door, and unlocked it. He yanked on the lock to make sure Harry heard it unlock. Then, he stepped back and waited. Harry slowly walked in and with a slam, locked the door behind him. He looked rather calm, but Louis could tell he was worried and defiantly angry. Louis began to back up more and more till he slammed against the bathroom wall. He then had no choice but to cower. He had no excuse now. He was screwed. "I knew it." Harry said, making Louis jump. Harry's eyes glistened. "I knew it Louis. I just didn't say anything because I knew you would get upset," Harry turned to look Louis right in the eyes, "Lou, let me tell you something important. Listen okay?" Louis gulped. "Okay." He says in a small, wimpy voice. "You did not eat Louis. You took the smallest bite out of that chicken, then spit it out. Then, you come in here to puke?! You didn't even binge, you just puked nothing Louis. That's going to hurt your insides. You have to be careful. You have to try to stop purging." Louis started pacing around in rage. "You can't just fucking tell me to stop! No, it doesn't work like that!" He felt hot tears in his eyes. He turned to face Harry and began to back Harry up against the door. "You can't just come in and ruin my fucking life! Mind your own shit for once!" Then, he lowered himself to the ground and began to cry. "It's just a habit. I can't stop Harry. It's a fucking habit." Louis couldn't tell if Harry was pissed or being sympathetic. Then, he felt a huge, warm embrace around him, then he felt a jolt, and before he knew it, he was standing up again, but wrapped tightly in Harry's arms. That's when he knew Harry was only trying to help. "Louis, I know it's hard. But I need you to try. You have so many people who love and adore you, and they don't want to find out their idol purges, and is an anorexic. And I don't want you to beat yourself up so much. I want you to stop being so hard on yourself. Can you try that?" "Yes Harry, I'll try." Louis whimpered, then he finally was released from Harry's big hug. Harry unlocked the door and they walked back together. When they got back, Zayn turned around, alarmed and relieved at the same time. "You guys finally are here! 5sos already went out stage. We were really starting to worry about you guys." Louis heard Harry chuckle. "I was helping Louis with his hair. Just couldn't get the fluff right!" Harry playfully ran a hand through Louis' hair. Louis angrily adjusted it again. Harry smiled at Louis. Louis cracked a tiny smile back.

Hours passed. Finally, it was later in the night and time to go on stage. Louis listened to the fans screaming and singing. Then, Louis heard their intro began to play. Thousands of people began to scream at the top of their lungs. The intro stopped. Louis gulped. "Time to go out on stage." Louis thought. They all walked out. The stadium was screaming. Harry started midnight memories. They walked out. Louis strutted out, putting on his fake act. He waved to the left side. Fans began to go wild. He waved to the right. More screams. Louis loved the directioners. They were always there for the boys. Louis closed his eyes and smiled.

Many songs passed. The night was going great so far. Finally, strong came on. Louis smiled to himself. He had written strong, and he was proud of it. He loved the lyrics.

My hands your hands tied up like two ships

He had written that because of the tattoos Harry had and he had. Louis looked down at his tattoos. He was still smiling. The song seemed to go by quick, but then it was happily. Louis looked at Harry. Harry had written happily, and Louis always wondered what he was talking about. Who was the person he was talking about in the song? Was it him?

The concert was going great, but then dizziness struck Louis. Louis tried to keep his balance, but he was awful at that. He stopped moving, and rubbed his eyes. He bended over. He heard fans starting to wonder what was wrong. He was seeing stars now. They were bright. The last thing he saw was Harry rushing over to help him, and he heard the scream of terror from many fans.


Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is short but I have a cold and I'm really exhausted and I need to rest because my birthday is in two days!:) AHAHAHA but enjoy this! Chapter 10 will be up soon:)

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