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I was awoken by the buzz of my phone. I didn't realize I had left it so far on the edge of the nightstand, so when it vibrated, it dropped off the nightstand. I groaned. I reached one hand down to grab and see who the hell was texting me so early. I wasn't very surprised when I saw it was from Niall. I scanned the message.

Louis, meet me at the coffee shop asap.

It was so unlike Niall, but I obeyed and got out of bed. I stretched and decided to wear an outfit that didn't cling. I hopped in my car and drove to the coffee shop. I got inside to see Niall sitting at a table of two by the window. He was tracing shapes on the window using the frost. When noticing me, he stopped and looked at me. He didn't smile, he looked upset and serious. I was a little confused, but I just took a seat and waited for Niall to tell me why I was wasting a Sunday morning at a coffee shop with him. I watched as he put a hand to his head. He sighed. I sighed. I was about to get up and leave, when he finally spoke.

"Harry has changed since you left." He whispered.

I sat up more, intrigued. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"He...he isn't himself. All he's been doing is drinking and going to bars. He's been doing lots of drugs too with his new girlfriend. She's some chick named Veronica. She's a total bitch too. But he just isn't himself. Nothing about him. It's scary Lou, and I don't know what to do."

I kind of was shocked, but half not. I was definitely upset, but I decided to keep that sadness concealed, so I shrugged. "I don't know Ni, I would just let him be." Niall sat up, sadness in his eyes. "But I miss old Harry!" He leaned over and hugged me, and I embraced the hug. "What do Liam and Zayn think about this?" "They're just as confused as I am! We have no idea what is going on. We think it maybe has something to do with you and the fact you were gone for so long." Niall released me from his grip and buried his face in his hands. "We all don't know what to do." He murmured. I felt my palms get sweaty. "Because of me?" I asked. "Yeah," Niall looked up at me, "Louis, he really loved you. The night you fainted. He was devastated. He changed after you left. Look, I don't know what happened in the hospital room that night, but something tells me it took its toll on Harry." I gulped.

"Niall, I should probably go, okay?" I got up from the table and started walking. "Okay. See you!" Niall shouted from behind me. I got in my car and drove right to my flat. I rushed to the toilet and immediately purged. There was no reason why, I just felt I needed it because of what I had done. I went until I almost passed out. My throat burned, but i needed that pain right now. I was just as devastated as the other boys, but felt shame weighing down on me because this was my fault....

Hi! So yes super duper short chapter but it's because the next chapter is supposed to be really long and a lot is going to happen. But omg so Four got leaked and I'm such a huge fan girl I couldn't contain my excitement so I listened to it and it is amazing! I love clouds, no control, girl almighty, and spaces! They're amazing!!! Anyways enjoy! The next chapter may not be up for a few days since it's very long :)

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