Recovered Lost Memory-Silent Princess part 3

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Recovered Lost Memory- Silent Princess part 3

We made our way around the castle, and miraculously nobody of importance saw us. Not that it mattered, Link did have a clever disguise after all if need be. I was more than willing to play along if we were questioned along the road anyways. We were heading to the courtyards on the far side of the castle. There lay an entrance road that led to the Sacred Goddess Pool.

The Sacred Pool was a place that was forbidden for commoners. Even those of noble birth needed exclusive rights granted by the Royal family to access there. Not that many would want to visit anyways, except in name, it was just like any other ordinary spring. Though to me, it was a special place. And being of the Royal family, I used the pool as my safe haven where I can be alone. A place where I can get away from it all. Adeline knew this about me, and I knew she would be there waiting for us.

As we passed the northern end of the castle perimeter, we rode through the courtyard grounds. In the distance not too far off, Purah and Robbie were engaging in what seemed to be a field study out on the pavilion nearby. And without me! It looked from my vantage point that they were testing out some sort of small machine on the hillside. However, I couldn't be too sure just as of yet.

We were just about to pass by them unnoticed as they were preoccupied fussing with each other, and that was when they saw us. Then all of a sudden, in mid-argument with each-other, both their faces caught a glimpse of our carriage. Purah then shoved Robbie so he would lose his footing so she can get an unfair head-start as she sprinted towards us. By that time, we were already casually rolling along the small castle roads trying to not draw any unwanted attention. But, their attention found us nonetheless.

Purah was already heading straight for us. "Hey! Princess! What brings you back to the castle? We thought you were offering sacraments to the Goddesses today at the Holy Sanctuary? If I had known you would be at liberty to wander about today, I would have invited you out with us?!" Purah called out.

Link took notice of them on the move towards us, slid the carriage to a halt on the dusty road. He quickly adorned his priestly hooded robe, just in case. He wasn't too sure of what their reaction would be if they found out he stole me away for the day. Robbie caught up just behind Purah, ready and poised to interrupt her. Both were acting more eager than the other to give me a status update of their research for the day.

Link now disguised, again turned his hood to face the other direction while I leaned over to greet the two sheikah Scholars.

"Shhh! Purah, are trying to let the whole castle know I am here!?" I said back to her while cautiously looking around in all directions.

"Why would it matter? You're with High Priest, are you not?" Purah said inquisitively. She then took a long hard stare at the not so elegant carriage I was in and at Link, who I know was just about to burst from his robe from all the suspense. "Wait a minute...that's Link! Hey Linky! How is it going!? Oh my, what have you done? Why are you wearing the priest's clothes!?" she said with a flabbergasted stare on her face.

"Purah! Shh!" I said.

"Ohhh, I see... Linky here snuck you out against your father's orders, huh? Atta' boy Linky, I never liked that priest who are trying to fool with that disguise Link? It's not that convincing now that I have had a look at you...besides, why would you ever want to cover up that pretty handsome face of yours?" she leaned, hands at her waist, with a single brow lifted in suspicion.

"Purah!" I snapped.

"I know, I know, I'm just fooling about...Linky knows. Don't worry, princess, your secret is safe with us...good of you to sneak the princess out too Link. Next time though, let us know so we could have prepared a better field study...we are already done for today, sadly enough."

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