The Popular and The Loser

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                It was the middle of 5th period, and Brittany was struggling to stay awake. It didn't help that Brittany wasn't the smartest person, and that she hated math more than she hated her cheer leading coach, Sue Sylvester. Every time Brittany's eyes closed, she'd open them immediately to keep herself awake. As much as she hates math, she needed to get her grades up so she could stay on the cheerios. She glanced at the clock hanging above the chalk board, silently praying that the time would go faster. Sighing, she decided it wasn't worth trying to stay awake, so she hide her face in her hands as she fell asleep.


                Santana walked down the hallway, looking at the row of red lockers on the wall. She was covered in cherry slushy, so she was freezing cold by the time she had reached the bathroom. She set her glasses on the sink as she started to clean some of the slushy off of her. She heard the door open, but she didn't bother to look up, it was probably some cheerios coming in here to ditch class anyways, Santana thought.

"There you are! I've been looking for you." Santana turned to see her best friend, Rachel, walking towards her. She sighed, of course Rachel came looking for her.

"Hey Rach, can you help me with these stains?" Santana asked, gesturing to her once white blouse. Rachel's eyes soften. Both girls were the schools biggest losers, being in glee club and all, but everyone seemed to pick on Santana the most.

"Yeah, I have an extra shirt in my locker for you, I'll go grab it." Rachel replied, about to exit the bathroom when she heard her best friend clear her throat before saying,

"Wanky," Causing both girls to bust out laughing. Once Rachel was gone, Santana started washing her face when she heard to door open, again. She lazily looked over her shoulder long enough to find three Cheerio's standing behind her, giggling while whispering to each other and glancing toward Santana. She bite her bottom lip, knowing what was coming next,

"Hey  Lezpez, who told you that you can come into our bathroom?" Alison, the red headed cheerio said, stepping closer to Santana in a threatening way.

"Last time I checked, this was the GIRLS bathroom, not the stuck up bitches bathroom."  Santana smartly replied, smirking after just to piss Alison off. She knew she did a damn well good job of doing it because shortly afterwards she was rammed into the sink, hard. Santana grunted, trying to push herself away from the sink, only to be pinned against it by Alison and her crew.

"You listen to me, you fucking dyke," Alison started, only to be cut off shortly when someone else entered the bathroom.

"Hey!" The cheerleaders and the brunette all looked over to see Brittany S. Pierce, captain of the cheerios.

"Coach wants the three of you in her office, now. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." Alison and the two other cheerios quickly rushed off while Brittany stood there watching them leave. Right before she left, Brittany turned to look at the Latina that was still standing at the sink she was up against a few seconds earlier. Both girls made eye contact for a few short seconds, but Santana had a feeling she would be staring into the Blonde's clear blue eyes sometime again.


 Brittany quickly walked out of the bathroom, leaning against the closest wall. She started breathing heavily, trying to figure out what happened. She steadied her breathing before walking toward the gym. She walked across the gym towards the football field where Coach Sylvester was holding the cheerios practice. Scanning the field, Brittany smiled when she saw Quinn waiting at the water coolers.

"Hey Q." Brittany said as she approached the smaller blonde.

"Hey Britt, late for practice as usual?" Quinn said, handing Brittany a bottle of water.

"It wasn't my fault this time! I had to find Alison, Becky and Megan." She scoffed as she said those names. Quinn rolled her eyes. Neither one of the girls had any idea of how Alison and the other two got on the cheerios, they suck at everything they do.

"What did they get in trouble for this time?" Quinn asked.

"Bad grades, which is why I'm probably next." She replied, looking down.

"You know Britt, if you're still struggling with math, why not talk to Ms.Pillsbury about getting a tutor? You know that she runs the tutoring program, I'm sure she can help you." Quinn said as they walked to the bleachers. Brittany stopped to think about it. She didn't want to be tutored, but it was possibly her last hope of getting her grades up.

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