weird ass

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"Bro, you all know we're late for our classes, right?" Jungkook reminded us. 

By telepathy, EunGi and I looked at each other, eyes widen and ran to our class.

"DASHI RUN RUN RUN!" - by the author

"WHAT CLASS DO WE HAVE?!?!" I shouted while running.

"MUSIC!" EunGi answered back.


"You see here, Ma'am-" She cuts me off.

"I'm not your lady, I'm your babygirl." I choked on the air and started laughing,

"Your boobs aren't that big, and you want me to call you Babygirl!?!? Puahahaha!"


"Ladies, why are you late..." The teacher asks.


"Since this is college, I'll let you clean the class until it shines. Okay?" The teacher says.

We nodded and sat down in our seats feeling relieved.


"I mean like, Taehyung is hot and all, but his ex was... don't get me wrong, she might have a great body..." 

"Girl, I thought you were a hoe!" 

"Nah I'm bi.." Shuhua flips her hair and sips more wine.

(Minutes before)

"DADDY! UHU HHUHU! (i actually dunno)" 

"This dress can't fucking fit! Girl, you fat ass hell!" I said with a sassy voice. Yoongi will probably kill me if he found out.

"Don't EVER try to say no to sex. If you do I will fuck so hard out of your body." 


To be Continued

this is the most randomest chapter I have ever written. Well! Byeeee

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