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"You're too innocent." Answered JaeIn
"Ok..." I Said "Can we go now." I asked
"Fine." We went to the register and payed for our dresses, $2000!!?

"Excuse me, ma'am I think your card is deactivated." Said the lady
"Did you bring your purse?" JaeIn asked
"Nope." I Said
"Ah why?"
"I thought it was your treat." I Said not really caring

"Here I'll pay for it." Said a man
He looked really nice and cute.
"Thank you very much." said JaeIn
"It's fine!" He said with a handsome smile.

After a couple of minutes it was time for us to go to the club.
"Hey, you ready?" Asked JaeIn
"Nope, im not wearing my dress yet."
I said walking slowly to my room
"HURRYYYYY!!!" She said while on her phone

I took off my clothes and placed the dress on me.
It was so tight! Man how am I gonna moved
I realised I can adjust it

"I'm LEAVING YOU!!!" She Shouted
I grabbed my phone and my purse.
I came out from my room
"Finally you're here." She said
We both left the house and went inside our car, my car I meant

Hann started to play. This song is my favourite now because it's relatable
Then See U Later also started to play
This song matches to my life right now too. I was just staring at the window while JaeIn was driving.

We finally arrived at the club.
We saw Eungi waving at us. I ran to her and hugged her, I miss her so much!!!
"Yah, I-I can't bre-breathe." She said trying to push me away.

"JaeIn told me about what happened, just ignore him." She advices me
"Let's go to the dance floor!" Said JaeIn
We all went to the dance floor dancing together, we were all grinding each other lol

I got tired at went to the bar, I'm thirsty, for water. Lol
"Hello, Miss what you would you want to have?" The bartender asked, he looked at me

"I'll have water." I replied
"Water, really?" He asked
"Yes, please." I responded
He gave me a glass of water and I started to drink it like a drunk person, think about Taehyung, pfft! Why should even think about him!

"Hey, lady, why are so you lonely?"
I pointed the rude finger at him
"Oo~ fiesty~ I likey~!" He said with a smile

"Dude, I'm sorry, but I have to go." I Said as I walked away
I didn't tell anyone I was going, I went back to the apartment, to my room and took off the dress.

I changed into my pyjamas and went to the living room, because I wasn't sleepy.
I wanted to watch a kdrama. There was this movie called Switching bodies, it was about a girl who woke up in an idol's body, and the idol swapped with her body.

Then had to break the curse by falling in love with each other.
" I wonder if that happened to me." I wondered
The movie ended by them kissing, awww that's just cute...
I then felt sleepy.

???'s POV
I went home from the club with a girl, yes, we fu*ked. After a couple of hours I could t sleep and it was 3 am. I carefully went off the bed to my living room, I turned on the tv and watched this movie, it was called switching bodies.

After the movie, I went back to my bed and slept with the girl.

JaeHee's POV
I went back to my bed and drove off to dream land, all of my stress disappeared and left me which caused me to be relaxed.

I woke up, I rolled on my bed, I felt a body, I opened my eyes

???'s POV
I woke up and stretched, I pretty sure the girl left since my bed was empty, but why is my bed so comfy
Did I do it that hard?
I went out off bed without looking at myself, I opened my eyes and passed a mirror.
Hold up
I went back and saw
To be continued

Hello everyone, I'm going to be actives with this story more, this time and please be patient that would be amazing byeeee
To be continued

Switching bodies | Min Yoongi FF [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now