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"I wanna break up with you. You're too old for me..."
"Well let's breakup then.."

JaeHee soon left with tears flowing down her face, he didn't deserve those tears

Her boyfriend of four years had left her too, he was tired of her,

They both walked separate ways.
JaeHee on the left and her boyfriend on the right.

At that same night, JaeHee went home and cried all night until she drifted into sleep, while her boyfriend just stared at their picture of their 3 year anniversary which was also their 4 year anniversary today.

He regretted breaking up with her, but it was for the best, since he used to like older girls, but that interest is gone...

JaeHee soon woke up of the sound of her alarm, her sister was there, she knew what happened since there's tissues, Icecream and her face with mascara across her face.

"Yah, wake up." JaeIn said while hugging her beloved younger sister.
"Andwaeeeee." JaeHee whined whilst slapping JaeIn off her

JaeIn threw the pillow at her, soon they had a pillow fight, all the stress was all healed and left with happiness and joy.

Later, they both went downstairs to eat breakfast, cereal, since they didn't know how to cook (lmao)
"JaeHee-Ahh!!" Shouted JaeIn
"Whattt..." JaeHee Said Lazily
"EunGi invited us to a club, so we're gonna shop for you to wear, ok?" JaeIn Said as she walked into the kitchen fixing up her outfit.

I paused for a moment to think,
Should I go? Should I not go?
"Yah, stop thinking. It's a demand not yes or no answer." She said eating her cereal
"Fine." I Said randomly,

Few minutes later
JaeHee and JaeIn both got dressed and went to the mall,
When they got there JaeIn ran to a store while pulling JaeHee with her.

JaeHee was walking around the store waiting for JaeIn to pick something, this was her first time going to a club, but not her sisters' first time

JaeHee soon her laughing by a familiar voice but she didn't know the other voice. The voices started to get closer and closer until she heard it behind her.

She turned and saw... Taehyung?

To be continued

I hoped you guys enjoyed this episode so yeah byeeee

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