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"Pasta.. what are you doing?" Jisoo asked me

"Chatting." I answered without looking back at her

"With whom?" Jisoo asked me again


"Who's Jennie?" She looked at me confused

"Someone I met online. She's funny, I like talking to her. Well.. chatting with her." Finally, I looked back grinning at Jisoo.

"Online? Aren't you afraid?" She asked

"What to be afraid of? She's fun and she's being secretive with me. That makes her real." I explained.

"How long have you been chatting with her?"

"Not long enough, but she really makes me comfortable with her. I want to talk to her more frequently." I said

"Huh, do you like her Pasta?"

"Idk.. maybe? She's fun. I don't care if she doesn't have the same feeling. I just like talking to her."

"Will you see her in person?"

"Maybe? I offered to her tour guide if she ever wants to visit Australia." I shrugged.

"I don't think she will. She's just being polite to you. I think you shouldn't get too attached to her, she can disappear at any time leaving you heartbroken ."

"But we like talking to each other. Why would she disappear on me?"

"I don't know.. because it's easy? If she wants to leave, it won't be hard. Just deactivate her account or block you, and you will be left as a series of binary numbers in her memories."

"Well, I won't let her do that."

"That's not up to you Pasta. Even if you beg, you cry. It's not up to you."

"But I think she won't have the heart to hurt me. I mean, we talked every day and we shared our secrets. Won't she be missing me?"

"Doesn't matter. She won't be able to see how hurt you are when the time comes. It won't matter."

"Ok. Stop it. Don't scare me but even if she does, I want her to know that for a short moment she really made me happy. She's different and I'm glad to know her. I wish that will never happen."

"Suit yourself, but I already warned you."


'Jennie.. can I ask you something?'

'Ask away. If I don't want to answer it I'll say red.'


'Single fighter but I have my dogs though.'

'Are you close with them?'

'Chosen family.'

'Good for you'

'Thank you.'

'Are you still living with your parents?'


'Where are they?'



'I need a shower, then hi beeed.' Jennie chat me

'Another minute I will put a missing person ad in the newspaper. Bed already? Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?'

'Don't! Haha, we can still chat. Don't worry I always have my phone with me even when I'm in the bathroom. A story? If this is what I think it is then don't.'

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