Chapter 4:Purple Suit and Grinch Pajamas

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I lead Alex out of the stairwell. He stands besides me now, pretending he hasn't been punched around. I break the silence first, "We're trying to find Elizabeth Turner, African-American female, long black hair, medium height with muscular build. Aged around 28, her verial number is 83. The extra gene gave her powers to manipulate plant life and soil." I look at him, then sign. "But of course you know all this from stalking us.

He smiles, "I wouldn't call it stalking, more collecting of information around the world."

I glare at him. "Matthew's supposed to be with Turner by now," I check my watch. 12:13. "I'm just going to buzz in and tell him that I'm heading back to the room, where are you staying?"

He glance up at me, "Across the hall from you, would you mind me staying in your room, you know, to save money." I glare at him.

I grunt, "You're welcome to sleep in Matthew's room on the couch, but you're definitely not sleeping in my suite. You'd probably try to go through all my stuff to get more information. "

He smiles back at me, "Awe, that was a shot right to the heart. Why would I ever stalk you"

I stop, "I'm not here to joke. You play by our rules or you're out. "

His grin lowers a bit and he raises his hands up slightly as if surrendering. "Fine, whatever you want. Here I was looking forward to sharing a room with a girl I picked up at the poker table. We already had some action in the stairwell." 

             I look at him and as we turn the corner into the main room I elbow him in the gut. Hard. I whisper into his ear, my voice like a knife. "I'm not here for any jokes like that. If you want a girl to go do I'm sure there's a bunch here made of plastic that are willing to give you what you want, but I will not be one of them. I'm here to find Turner, which is one of the steps in my plan to kill Knight. You want to join the team, great, but as soon as you start to think this is for you, you better run. I'm not afraid of bumps in the road. In fact, I run right over them." He looks at me, half shocked, half disappointed, I glare at him. "Understood?"

He breathes out deeply. "Understood." As we begin to walk again I lead us to the elevator, and turn on my mic. "Matthew, I've picked up a helper, I'm heading back up to the rooms, how's it going?" At first I hear nothing, then static. Then Matthew,

"I've found Turner, and explained it all to her. She says she'll do it."

I let out a deep breathe. "Are you in the rooms yet?" I hear Matthew on the other end,

"Almost there. Turner says to be careful, apparently there's another verial staying here. He's medium built, with a beard. She said he's wearing a purple suit. His powers are being able to hide his ability, as well as being able to create money out thin air" I take a sharp breath in and pretend I'm fine, "Got it, see you soon. " I buzz out a feel Alex elbowing me in the gut. I glare at him, "What?" He nods in front of him. It's then that I see Mr. Purple Suit inside our elevator shaft.

He's staring right at me, or in the plural, the two of us. He looks menacing, but then smiles, "That was a good game back there." I nod, once again feeling the need to keep a poker face. I feel the seconds tick by, slowly, seeming to wait extra long. We are still 4 floors away from our floor. I am about to say something when Alex speaks, "Lovely weather we're having huh?" I almost slap my hand against my forehead. 2 more floors. He stares at Alex, "I wouldn't know, I just got back from a business meeting." I smile at him, then try to pry, "Will you be alright, I didn't mean to seem greedy at the table." He smiles at me, with that same mischievous glint in his dark eyes. "I will have no trouble making up for lost money." Our floor dings and the door opens, we quickly turn out of the elevator into the hall, but as we step out, I don't miss the small click of a camera and small flash. It seems that I have lost one stalker and gained what appears to be a more harmful one.

As we walk off towards our room I glare at Alex, then mimic him. I shake my head, giving him a high pitched voice. "Lovely weather we're having, huh?" I extenuate the huh, just for effect. He glares at me, "And what was I supposed to say, we know you can kill us, but like, let us go. Or better, help us kill the person who's most likely your boss." I ignore him and walk to our room. After unlocking it with my fob, I invite Alex in. It's then that I see Matthew and Turner wrestling on the ground. "What the heck is going on?" I yell. Matthew quickly jumps up. "I thought it might be good for me to teach Turner some skills. Who's the new guy?" He gives Alex a look over, "And where'd you get him?" Alex smiles, "Alex Charleson, I've been looking for a way to get Knight." He offers his hand, but Matthew ignores it. "You been the one following us?"

Alex looks at me for help, I shake my head, but speak anyways, "He's the one."

Matthew takes one more look at him, "You think he's good for the team?"

I look at Alex, "Don't know, don't care, but he's an extra man." I look at Turner.

I hold out my hand, "I'm Jupiter Greenberg, nice to finally meet you." She takes my hand and firmly shakes it. "Elizabeth Turner, heard a lot about you." I smile at her,

"All good things I hope?" She smiles back at me, "Definitely." I look back to Matthew,

"We should all head to bed, big day tomorrow. Alex can stay with you Matt, and Liz can stay with me." Matthew nods, then pats Alex on the back. "Hope your ok with the couch." Alex seems about to complain, until I jab him in the stomach with my elbow. Which doesn't seem to do much, because I'm pretty sure he has abs, and it's all muscle, but he seems to get the memo anyways. He looks up at Matthew, "The couch will be fine."

Turner and I decided to both sleep on the pull out couches, to be fair. I for one was fine with it. I grab some blankets from the closet and throw one on my bed and one on Turner's. I head to the bathroom and knock on the door. "I need to ask you something." I hear her voice from inside of the bathroom, "Yeah?" I grab my bag from behind the couch and walk over to the door. She opens it and I pull two colours of hair dye from my bag. "Do you think I should go ginger or blonde?" She looks at me, confused. "Ginger, but why dye your hair?"

I look at her again. "I think someone made me. That verial you talked about met me, and he has a picture."

She nods, "What about Alex?"

"I'm going to go give him some black,"

She nods again, "Yeah, definitely go ginger." I nod as well and grab the box of black dye from my bag. I step into the hall and knock on their door, quietly of course. Firstly because its like 3 in the morning, and secondly because I'm wearing my grinch pajamas and an unsuspecting eye might find it a little weird. Alex answers, looking mighty tired. "What do you want?" I hand him the hair dye, "put this in, purple suit took a picture of us and I don't want anyone to recognize us. Good?"

He nods, "Yeah, nice pyjamas." I roll my eyes, and turn away.

I walk back to my room and open the door. Turner's lying down on the bed, for all I know fast asleep. I walk into the bathroom and start the shower, wetting my hair and then putting the dye in. I step out and dry off, leaving the dye in my hair. After five minutes of waiting I rinse it out. I brush it, and then walk to the kitchen and grab a pair of scissors. I walk back to the bathroom and cut what used to be down to my but up to my shoulder blades. I rinse out my hair one more time, and then walk out after putting my pyjamas back on. I slip into my bed, hoping for sleep without nightmares, yet they come anyways.

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