Chapter 2:Elizabeth Turner

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                 I step off the plane again, the only difference is that now I'm in England. I glance over at Matthew beside me, "We're going to find her here." I say. Her name is Elizabeth Turner. African-American female, long black hair, medium height with muscular build. Aged around 28, her verial number is 83. The extra gene gave her powers to manipulate plant life and soil. She fell 9 days ago. Knight had followed her to her home and killed her boyfriend. They were supposed to get married in two months. Knight didn't care though, she turned to him in front of her and turned him to salt. Now Elizabeth's staying in a hotel in London. 

         We step off the plane and grab our luggage, but as were turning away and out the glass doors I notice a light brown haired person turn the corner. We step into the taxi and I tell the driver to take us to the nearest Tesco. "Where are we going?" Matthew looks at me confused.

"We need guns and ammo, we don't know if Turner is going to pull a gun on us."

He looks at me, "Reasonable, why are you doing this anyway? Your a human, you shouldn't even know about us."

I look back at him, "When I was 14 Knight killed my whole family, she walked into my house and started a fire. I somehow made it out but my parents and sister didn't. Ever since then I've been tracking and planning to kill Knight. Or if anything I want to know what happened to her, how she went bad. "

He looks back at me, "Reasonable again, but know that once we kill Knight's person I'm going to kill her. I'm going to cause her all the pain she caused me and a little bit more."

I stare at him, "Go ahead, but first I'll need to talk to her."

He opens his mouth to speak, "Seems as though we are at an agreement."

A long silence later we stop. We get out and I lead Matthew into the store. We walk through aisles and look around, finding the items we need. Again I pull out my gun license at the counter and pay for it, with Matthew following close behind me. I step out of the store and call a taxi. I notice Matthew looking around carefully, turning his head in fast movements, as if analysing a crowd. I put my phone down and turn to him, "What's up?"

He looks back at me, "I don't feel good about this place, I think someone might be following us. "

As we start to walk down the sidewalk I look in the reflection of a store mirror. I notice a person wearing a black coat about 30 meters behind us, but its not there clothing I notice, it's their piercing blue eyes that catch my attention. That and their light brown hair.

I look back at Matthew, "Someone is following us, they've been following me from the start. Their not Verial though, they are fully human. He's about 30 meters back, black coat, blue eyes, brown hair." Matthew turns around as well as I do, but when I turn around I see no black coat, no striking blue eyes, and no brown haired boy. All I see are the crowds of people entering in and out of the store. Matthew looks at me with wonder. I look at him and shrug.

After getting into the cab I payed the driver early, not wanting to forget. I had told him to take us to the hotel that Turner's staying in. My hope is to stay the night and approach her tomorrow. I would today but I last slept 2 nights ago, before going to find Matthew. It is crazy to think that 2 nights ago I wasn't this in over my head. Now I had no chance of going back, and I wouldn't want to be there right now. I'm changing the world, slowly, but steadily.

                 As we reach our hotel I thank the driver and open my door, stepping out into the basking sun. I look up at the hotel sign. The Westward Casino Hotel-Motel. It is written in calligraphy, with fancy r's and o's. I turn to Matthew, "Hope you brought your wallet, Turner might be broken, but she sure didn't want to settle for anything less than perfect." He laughs, "Me, money, I'm literally broker then a thirteen-year-old girl the day after black friday."

I push open one of the doors and step onto the red carpet. Yes, it's literally red, who knew that a carpet could be so confusing? I walk up to the lady at the desk, with Matthew again close behind me. The lady at the counter looks well put together. Her lips are covered in pale lipstick and she's wearing heavy eye make-up, but she doesn't look over the top. I can also tell by looking at her that she's human. "Can I help you?"

I must have been deeper in thought then I thought, because when she talks I slightly jump. "Hi, can I have two of your cheapest rooms?"

She looks at me and frowns, "I'm sorry, there's none of our cheaper rooms left available. We can offer you a middle class room, but the price will be a bit higher."

"That will be fine, " I say, looking at Matthew.

She smiles, "Great, how would you like to pay?"

I look back at her from Matthew, " Cash, and I'll cover both. " I look back at him and smile, "I didn't think you had enough money." He grunts, and I turn back to her.

"Your rooms will be 389 and 390, thanks for choosing to stay with us, that comes to 347 pounds." I pay her and look her way.

"Do you know if there's an Elizabeth Turner staying here, and if so what room she's in?"

She looks at me briskly, "I'm sorry, I am not permitted to tell you that." She looks me dead in the eyes, "you know, client rules." I nod and grab the keys. I look back at her one more time, and walk away, holding both our room fobs and thinking of the hint of recognition in the receptionists face when I mentioned Turner.

I set my bag down on my bed and flop down on the covers. I open my case and pull out my laptop, plugging in my mobile hard drive. I open up my email and see spams from pinterest and duolingo. After checking to see if there is anything of significance I close my laptop and grab my hard drive, putting it in my hidden coat pocket. I then walk out of my room to the one across the hall and knock on Matthew's door. I hear a quiet, "Come in" I step inside and face Matthew, he's starting at a picture of his grandmother, and a single tear is falling down his face. He looks up at me and opens his mouth, "She didn't deserve it, if I hadn't gone to her none of this would have happened. She would still be alive" I look him dead in the eyes.

"If Knight hadn't gone bad, none of this absolutely would have happened. It's all a chain of events. And I believe that they are happening for a reason. It's just up to you to see its potential." He turns his head from me.

"I'm really trying." He coughs, "What now? We didn't get anywhere with the receptionist."

"We'll go out tonight and ask around, I'm going to head to the downstairs casino, and hope I see Turner or someone who knows her. I have a picture of her from her dead boyfriends facebook. Does 10 sound good to you?" He looks me in the eyes, questioning

"The casino opens at 9, why not then?" I look at him dead ass back,

"I need my weekly dose of Big Bang reruns and room service."

I wish I could say that I was a healthy eater, but I'm not. I also wish I could say I'm not a big eater, but I am. I think Matthew realized that after I ate my 4th slice of Hawaiian pizza.

"Little bit hungry?" He grunts frowning at me.

"I lost all of my ignorance a long time ago, so now food is bliss." I say frankly.

He chuckles, "Seems real. You ready to go?"

I nod. I had changed into a navy floor length halter dress with my bronde hair in a tight ponytail. Matthew's wearing a black suit with a red tie. Each of our outfits aren't extreme, but will draw a little attention to us. Showing everyone who's in charge. I turn off the TV and slip on my flats, Matthew opening the door in front of me. I'd wear heels, but frankly I'd end up being 6' with my tall frame. I look at him and breathe out deeply, "You know the plan right? Find Turner, cosy up a little, but not romantically, try to earn her sympathy. At the moment she understands loss. I'm going to keep an eye out for any other verials."

I hand him a mic and large stack of 100's. "I expect some of that back."

He chuckles, adjusting the mic into his ear, "I'll be sure of it. Ready?" I look him dead in the eyes.

"Ready as I'll ever be." We both step out of the room, almost in sync, were robotic, neither one of us sure of what we're doing. As we step into the elevator I slip my mic into my ear and analyze our company. None of them verial, yet none of them Turner.

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