Chapter 8:Dino eggs and secrets

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             When we arrive at the cottage I step out as soon as possible. I really don't know what to call it. I'm not Australian, I don't know much of their slang. All I know is about as much as I learned in 7th grade geography, which was mostly about the soil type.

               When I step out I'm surprised by the size of the cottage thingy. It's bigger than what I would say a cottage is, and looks fairly new. I wouldn't have been able to tell other then the metal door, which must have been built with steel to stop fires. Wood doors were actually a problem 10 years ago, now most doors have been changed. Our governments told us it was to stop the fires, because of a change in our air, because of some new gas, but I know its to keep verials out. Knight might have a harder time starting fire to a metal door. It's funny how the government would rather suggest a gas problem over the earth, then something real.

I grab my adidas bag and follow Connors to the door. He pulls out a metal key attached to a lanyard. I notice right away how there aren't any other keys on it, which I guess makes sense. Why would you need keys when you can operate any machine?

Once he pushes open the door I follow in, Alex rushing behind me. "There are 3 rooms down that hall, and 3 down this way. I always planned to come here with Rachel and Morgan, even Kevin. I had extra rooms built too, for when they grow up, I wanted them to be able to take their kids here with them." 

          I nod, slipping my shoes off and stepping on the white carpet. I place my bag on the couch, and look around. There's a connected dining room and kitchen. There's an oak table in the middle of the dining room with 4 chairs centered around. In the living room before me paintings cover the walls, most of them detail portraits of people I recognize as famous. There's a black leather coach against the wall, and above it hangs the largest painting of them all. There's a scene of a dark sunset, toned with mostly dark blues and purples. What catches my eye the most is the words printed on the bottom, 'They were only stars, enclosed visions equaling nothing. Once nothing equals everything, I gained honest truth.' It reminded me of something, something that meant a lot to me.

Against the opposite wall was a wooden piano. When I was younger I played, because my mom had taught me. Back then piano had been a common thing, now, I can't think of the last time I saw one. I remember playing Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing' on repeat. I run my fingers over the ivory keys.

       I turn around and walk to the cabinets. "Can I get some food going?"

 I hear Connors calling from down the hall, "Sure, don't know what you'll find though."

 I pull open the cupboard and am surprised at the amount of food actually inside. There's instant oatmeal, peanut butter, canned meats, pancake mix, canned beans, and bunch of other stuff I'm not willing to try. "Anybody want oatmeal?"

Turner comes around the corner on her phone, "I'll have some if you're making, I would but I've burned water." 

I smile, then nod. I turn around and grab the box, smiling when I see the box of Dino Eggs behind it. I spin my head around and yell again, "Anybody else?" 

      This time I get a unanimous response of yes. I take out both boxes and fill a kettle with water. I assume that although the rest of this place seems new, the kitchen was part of an original part of the house. There's no dishwasher, and the stove looks like it's gas powered, again something I haven't seen in a long time. I look through the drawers and find a lighter. I put the gas on and grab the lighter. I go to press the switch and turn it on, lighting the stove. I grab two pots from the cupboard, filling one with a couple packs of the regular oatmeal, then one with a few packs of Dino eggs.

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