Chapter 6:Meghan Markle and buggy hotel rooms

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                  When we arrived in Hong Kong I was done with flying, when we left on a different plane again to Australia, I again was done with flying. Now that we're leaving the airport again I can definitely say that I am done with flying. We landed at 11 in the night thanks to the time change. You would assume at this point we would be tired, but we all slept enough on the plane. When we step into the taxi we are again squished, leaving me in the front with my podcasts. What can I say? I find them soothing. My parents suggested a series to me when I was younger, before they died. It's all really deep shit. I would say I'm a deep person, to the extent that I'm fine until any form of logic is required. Then I go downhill.

Each podcast has a topic, like earth, sometimes fire, sometimes random things, like brain waves. The writer has tied each in with a lesson, I use them to drive me. They're my source of therapy in a way. I don't have much time for therapy with my lifestyle.

We get out of the taxi at a store. After checking that it's open I hail everyone inside. Once inside I send Alex and Matthew in to find some food, while me and Turner head to the clothing section to grab some clothes. I would normally grab a gun on our way out but some countries have laws, and Australia seems to have a bunch about guns, so instead we're going to be bare. When we are one our way to the clothing section Turner looks at me, "What do we need?" 

            I pause for a moment after remembering, "Warmer clothes, and hats as well as gloves. The ones we got from the airport aren't really great." 

            She nods, then grabs two coats off the rack. "Do you want to be Mary Poppins or Meghan Markle." I pretend to be deep in thought then grab the Mary Poppins looking coat. 

                 "I used to love that movie. I actually got it for my birthday one year and cried because I thought it would be scary. I watched it two years later and loved it. I felt bad for my poor Aunt who bought it for me." 

               She smiles at me, then speaks out in a more accented British Accent then she already has, "I definitely don't mind, I will take the Markle, I always pictured myself as a duchess." 

         I smile at her back, keeping her accent, "That, my lady, I bet you have."

When we meet Alex and Matthew at the checkout and I gasp at the amount of food in their cart, then let out a smile seeing it filled with 3 bags of chips, as well as a jumbo box of lucky charms. Turner looks about to laugh out loud as well. Alex looks almost scared. "I know its a lot, but I was hoping we could stay here for a bit and I really wanted a good breakfast and I re-"

I interrupt him, "It's fine."

"-I really wanted to make a good meal since it's been so long- Wait, What?" 

   Matthew wacks him on the back of the head, "She said its fine dude." Alex looks at me confused, I shrug my shoulders in return. When it's our turn at the cash I hand the cashier $500. After getting my change I place it in the donation bin, then we turn and walk out of the store. We walk out briskly, not talking, no sound, and that was most likely the reason I heard the faint shutter of a camera behind me.

I stepped into my hotel room and assessed the room, getting an almost sketchy feeling. With Matthew and Alex in the room across from ours I am accompanied by Turner. I hold my index finger to my lips and motion for her to follow me, feeling as though there might be a mic hidden in our room. I'm still feeling paranoid since our shopping trip 45 minutes ago. The receptionist here looked pretty sketchy. I'm pretty sure she was verial, but I never trust anyone. Human or not. I used to have trust for people, then one day I realized that loyalty wasn't a commitment but a lifestyle. After what happened to me I don't let people know the real me as much. What I told Alex wasn't even the start. Before I started recruiting Tuner and Matthew I had searched them up. Alex, not as much. That's probably why I still don't fully trust him, like I said, I barely told him the start of what I really am.

I quickly search the room, knowing now we'll have to be a bit more careful. I run my hand over all the undersides of every edge I can think of, then stop at the edge of a painting. I look at the painting, two simple wildflowers in a vase. I again put my hand over the small stub under the painting, and then grab it off the wooden frame. I enclose it in my hand, then grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it with water. Then I drop the mic into the cup. I grab my laptop quickly out of my bag while Turner stares at me like a lunatic. I then pull up a signal blocker and shut off all the connections inside our room. Which sucks cause like, there goes the wifi, satellite TV, cell phone reception, but there also goes anymore bugs. I then quickly grab my laptop the motion for Turner to follow me to the guys room.

           I knock on their door and when they open immediately I step in and start up the program I just used to stop all the mics anyone might have put in our room. This won't last long though, within minutes hotel tech support will be all up in stopping our jammer. "Grab your bags, we've definitely been made." Alex and Matthew look about to question but grab their bags and follow me. When we get into the hall I look up at everyone from my laptop.

"Someone had put a mic in our room. I assume they put one in yours as well. It means that the lady at the front wasn't a good verial, most likely she was working for Knight." 

Turner nods. "I thought she seemed a little sketchy." I nod back. I sensed it but didn't want to worry too much. I open my room back up and grab my bag, as well as Turner's, handing it to her. "I found another place a block down from here, that we should be able to walk to. We just need to get out of here before tipping off the receptionist, or anyone else working for Knight." 

Matthew pulls out a map taken from the front desk. "There's an emergency stairwell to the right up here." 

I nod, then start walking. "We're going to need to find an emergency exit. From there we're going to need to get to that Motel. I need sleep to stay strong, as well as you guys need it too." 

Alex finally speaks up, "Didn't you get enough sleep when you were lying on my shoulder. I can't say I didn't enjoy the plane ride, but by the way you were snoring I'd say your sleep covered for a few years."

 I scoff. There goes all that trust I didn't have for him. Matthew looks at me questioning. "When I don't sleep enough I get grumpier then normal. And don't worry about me ever sleeping anywhere near you ever again, ." Matthew gives out a small chuckle. Alex has a small expression I can't quite read, but quickly covers it up. I brush it off and continue walking down the hall.

I push open the door to the stairwell, meeting the pitch black hall. It's early morning now, unfortunately the lights aren't on, although they should be censor activated. A few seconds after I step in the lights turn on, revealing light grey blue walls with taupe rusted handles. I quickly step down the stairs, everyone else trickling behind me. I open the exit door and take a deep breath of the cold air. Once everyone's out of the building I break their conversation. "The other place is just up here, we'll stay the night then look for Connors tomorrow. " 

Turner and Matthew nod, but Alex seems to disagree. "We should go now, or who knows what could happen to Connors. We need to-"

 I cut him off sharply, adding a glare, "We need to sleep, without it we won't be at our strongest. Connors seems fine based on his social media, he's still posting. He's in a bad place but I think he's got it under control." I stopped, took a step, and then heard a scream.

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