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Your p.o.v.

My eyes were focused on the familiar figure in front of me.

I could see you sitting in the corner with your friends. My body felt heavier with every step I took, just to get closer to you.

I was drawn to the sight of my once believed significant other, your hypnotizing eyes, that shone brighter than any star I had ever seen in my entire life. Those plump lips, that I was so addicted to. Your beautiful features that could've been carved by god. Those little imperfections that were all around perfect in my eyes. It was almost impossible for me not to take you in to the fullest.

The feeling of anger, sadness and jealousy rose within me. A dangerous cocktail of emotions.

It was true, I had lost you. You moved on so quickly, leaving me in your past. Wailing in the remains of our memories that stung so badly.

The day you decided it was better to leave me, was the last day of our love. The day where my heart broke inside my body. Crumbling into tiny pieces.

Seeing you so happy without me in your arms truly hurt me. You were better now. Better than me. You looked genuinely happy. Happier than you were with me.

Everything stopped within seconds as I spotted you with someone else. Sitting there as if it was only you, laughing at the jokes that had been told.

I, on the other side, watched from afar, as I remembered every moment of happiness that we had. Until the moment everything seemed so unreal, so broken. Only a few feet away from you as I tried not to break into tears. Showing the real pain i hid from other people's eyes.

It had been months since I last saw you walking out the door. It was burned into my mind, not to mention into my soul. It haunted me like a ghost.

The feeling of uneasiness crept under my skin as I made my way back to the other side of the coffee shop. I couldn't take the pain I felt. I felt as if all eyes were on me, especially yours.

I didn't want to become someone you hated, someone you would be ashamed of talking about.

My heart beat increased. You still made me feel things that I hoped to forget with the rest of the memories I shared with you, but it was impossible.

I wanted to hold onto you. Onto the memories we created. Because as much as you might have hurt me, I knew that I still held feelings for you. But, as love has its cruelty, I wanted to see you happy and so, I let you go.

I couldn't bare looking you in the eyes.

I headed over to the table where Philia sat, not minding the people I accidentally bumped into.

I caught my breath as my friend looked at me with a worry evident in her usual bright smile.

"You know that she didn't deserve you." She blurted out.

The looks on her told me to stop grieving over somebody who didn't share the love that I shared with them.

"I know." It sounded way more off than I wanted it to be.

I desperately tried to convince myself, but to no avail. Everything just felt as if I was the one at fault, you even told me I wasn't the problem.

But still, I couldn't help but blame myself for making you leave.

Luckily, Philia dropped the topic as soon as the waiter brought us our hot drinks. He sneakily wrote his number on one of the cups, placing it in front of my friend. She only smiled at his sweet tactic.

"Will you call him?" I asked out of curiosity trying to sound as excited as it was possible for me at the moment.

"No." She blandly said. Her attention resuming to the book she bought some time ago.


"Because Youngjae wouldn't be happy about it." I couldn't ask any further, cursing myself for forgetting that she already had a boyfriend. Poor guy has to deal with her.

I sipped on my hot drink as I watched people come and go through the tiny café. Couples could be seen over and over again. It didn't help one bit getting over my past love.

As if Philia could sense that I was drowning in envy, she quickly gave me a snap on my forehead causing me to yelp in pain.

"What was that for?" I demanded, my brows knitting together. I gently rubbed the place she came in contact with her small fingers.

"Stop sulking."

"I wasn't sulking. I was just...thinking." I turned my head away from her disappointed face. I wasn't in the mood to fight with her. (She doesn't stand a chance anyway ;))

"You really need help to get over her. Like every time I try to drag you out of your dark room, you just keep on making my mood drop to zero." She groaned, her head disappearing behind the book. "I try to make you happy and have fun WITHOUT her but instead you are just thinking about what could've been if you did that and that right." She mumbled quietly, her voice laced with concern.

She had a point. Nevertheless, I stood my ground.

"Is your definition of fun sitting in a café and reading a book without even speaking one word to me?" I bit back, pursing my lips.

Her face went from concerned to surprised in less than 0.01 seconds. A new record. I guess she wasn't prepared for such a comeback.

y/n: 1, Philia: 0

Her face relaxed into her natural expression which was more like a resting bitch face if I had to admit.

"Touché." She sighed, rolling her eyes at me.

I groaned heavily, laying my head onto the woody table. I played with the rim of my cup, suddenly finding it interesting.

Great, I could have just stayed at home.

??? p.o.v.

I entered the café with the intention of getting my daily amount of energy to keep up throughout the day.

I slowly made my way to the counter when I spotted a pretty girl sitting at the corner of the room.

Her eyes focused on the cup in front of her, fingers tracing the opening with elegance. She looked way too focused on that thing.

The girl opposite of her simply shook her head.

The scene unfolding before me, made me chuckle lightly. A warm feeling spreading through my body. My hands getting all sweaty, and by any means, it was unusual for me to get sweaty hands. I could feel my ear tips heating up.

I snapped out of my thoughts by the man behind the counter.

I pretty much blabbered my order to the guy who sadly had to scribble it all down with lightning speed, before I gazed back to the eye-catching beauty sitting in the colourful morning sun.

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