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Your p.o.v.

Time seemed to stop as Mark's eyes sparkled brightly. I could see myself reflecting in them. The only thing that i could see was Mark standing in front of me with the brightest grin i had ever seen gracing someone's face.

His lips moved, forming incoherent words that seemed to make their way into my head, and leaving the moment they entered.

An all too familiar feeling bumbled inside my gut. I knew the feeling, the warmth, the butterflies flying inside my stomache. And also the pain. It felt too real and also too fast in spreading within me.

My heartbeat quickened. A series of memories rushing through my mind, making the scar on my heart reopen slightly. It was a deja vu.

I waited for the inevitable moment where time would speed up again, throwing me back to the past where numbness dominated my senses.

I could already hear the words that shattered my heart ringing in my ears.

I shut my eyes tightly, counting down the seconds leading to the fateful moment.

A warmth spread on my shoulder, seemingly pushing away the heavy feeling that sat on my chest.

I hesitantly opened my eyes, still unsure of what to expect.

Brown eyes filled with adoration and affection stared into mine. The heaviness vanishing in the twinkling of an eye.

"Are you alright?" Mark's gentle voice asked. His hands coming up to cup my face.

I was at a loss of words, caught up with staring at his face. My mind occupied with coming up with a logical response to why I felt that way.

The heat that radiated from Mark was almost irresistible. It made me feel a certain way that was scientifically unexplainable. I could only connect that feeling with a place I called home all my life.

I leaned forward, holding onto the heat.

I snapped out of my trance as I felt his face coming closer, inches apart from mine.

"A-Ah, yeah, I'm fine." I smiled, trying to cover up my tenseness. "Don't worry about me."

His looked at me worriedly before letting his hands fall to his side. I already missed the warmth, but I couldn't, not yet.

Philia was immersed in conversing with Jackson as I turned to her bewildered. Silently asking her for help.

Philia immediately caught on what i was hinting at, coming to my side.

"Hey Mark, I didn't get a chance to talk to you after our karaoke session." Philia chimed in, her body unconsciously protecting me from the soft brown eyes' worried glances.

Philia took over the conversation. Mark seemed to be surprised, as well as Jackson who watched quietly.

They talked among themselves, Mark only responding to Philia's questions. He didn't seem to have interest in her, at all. He occasionally glanced towards me, uncertainty glinting in his eyes.

Wonho and Minhyuk returned to care for the guests arriving at the café, though i could sense Minhyuk was feeling a lot more antsy than usual. The worried side glances spoke for themselves.

Only Philia and some close friends like Wonho and Minhyuk knew about my break-up a few months ago. They were there when I needed them.

Despite me having overcome most of the pain, they still treated me like I was made out of glass. One touch and i would break. And everybody knew that once glass was broken, it can never be fixed again.

Jackson was unusually quiet since he had no one to talk to. And i couldn't bring myself to trust him. I didn't know him and i refused to get hurt again, whether by friends or not.

Minutes passed, Jackson's finger tapping annoyingly at the countertop. His eyes travelled to the clock hanging on the wall, widening in surprise.

"Sorry to leave you guys so soon, but Mark and i still have something to do." Jackson hurried, taking the bag from the counter, glancing towards Mark.

Mark looked confused, ready to protest. "But I want to-"

"Nice talking to you. We should repeat that." Jackson winked at me, before dragging Mark along with him to the exit. Mark struggled to keep up with his friend and stumbled over his own feet a few times.

I was left stunned at their sudden disappearance.

Philia, Wonho, Minhyuk and i were left, along with some customers who watched us quietly, but they quickly turned their attention elsewhere.

Philia took my hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "You okay?"

"I- I guess?" i blinked a few times, hoping the uneasiness would disappear. "I'm not really sure."

"Were you reminded by Somin?"


lmaoooo short chapter, sorry 'bout that. Hope you enjoyed it so far!
(i actually had to study for my math exam, but i decided to write instead lol)
Have a lovely day/night my dear friends!

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