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Mark's p.o.v.

It's been 3 days since I last touched my phone. The pieces were scattered on the desk when I tried to fix the device. From the looks of it, it was completely unrepairable.

I gave up on it when the camera suddenly popped off the phone, the screen splitting into smaller pieces.

Jackson offered his help. Though i slightly worried about what kind of help i would get. Jackson seemed to know what he was doing so i laid my trust into his hands. I didn't have another chance, and i couldn't say no, could I?

I dressed and headed to the campus to meet up with Jackson along with a friend of him. His friend could possibly get me a new phone in no time. As Jackson stated with a wide grin.

Jackson came over this morning and let me know that his friend was only here until 11am until he left with a rush, saying something along the lines of 'i saw a cute person, i have to check them out'. Before slamming the door behind him.

Jackson's friend went to the university which was located further away from ours, apparently he worked at an electronic shop nearby.

At first I a little worried if I could possibly trust Jackson's friend (Jackson knew a lot of freaky people on this planet). Though my worries made me hesitate, I held my trust in Jackson's friend to help me out in my misery.

I was in need of a new phone, so i couldn't let this opportunity slip. Y/n waited long enough for me to get myself together. Maybe she didn't even want to talk to me after what had happened?

I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't dropped my phone like the idiot I am. That was one of the 'I could really slap myself' moments in my life.

Jaebum suggested that I should just show up at her place, apologise and leave my stupidity in the past. Maybe even ask her out on a cup of coffee? Only if she didn't hate me by then of course.

The weather had gotten warmer over the past few days. It was the perfect mixture of cold and warm, not too humid, but comfortably so. The sky was clear, the sun shining bright.

Many students already lingered around the courtyard. Studying, reading, just using the weather as long as it was still free of clouds.

Since the dorms were all located in different sections of the university, I had to make my way through the park which could often be a pain in the ass when the first snow blocked the ways. But it was mostly a beautiful sight, the gardeners were already planting new flowers at the side of the way. Various colors spread along the treeline.

The park was probably the best place to study last minute since it was often quieter than the library.

I slowly walked through the park enjoying the calming spring breeze that brushed against my soft skin.

Moments like these stopped time in some type of way. Everything passing you by in slow motion. It made people feel at peace and if it wasn't for the first years yelling like their life depends on it then i would have enjoyed it a tiny bit longer.

I could already see Jackson's arms waving in the air. He must've seen me before i could even comprehend what was going on.

I managed to push through the growing crowd.

Jackson and someone that I couldn't recognize, stood next to each other. I had an assumption that it was Jackson's friend. On first glance he seemed to be quite intimidating, but a closer look and you can see he resembled Jackson in a weird way.

They seemed to know each other pretty well by the way of their body language. But what was new? Jackson had always bewn touchy with people so it clearly didn't surprise me anymore.

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