"Don't be so worried Ainsley." A light brown haired female came over to her. "He is Delirious for god's sake he can handle any trouble." "Kalel how can you be always so sure.." she murmured glancing at her with a questionable look on her face. "She isn't always sure." Alex hissed slightly as he wandered over to the two. "All she does is sit here at camp and never goes out there." "Shut your mouth." snapped Kalel waving her hand at his face as if trying to smack him. "I help those who get hurt." "From what?" He chuckled. "Your kindness?" "Alex I give you one minute to shut the fuck up." She growled. Ainsley watched as the two began arguing, before slowly moving away from them. She walked around the camp looking at what the other were doing, most of them very busy with their work which had to be done otherwise there was a hard punishment. "No one gives me work to do around here." she muttered as she watched Gerard polishing the guns not far away from her. "As if they don't trust me with anything." Her eyes looked over the camp, seeing all the people at work or helping out. "But Patrick if we try to make our territory any bigger Dai will be pissed off." She turned her head to where she saw Kellin speaking to Patrick. "I do not care if he gets pissed off." Patrick growled. "We need more room and they can move over and let us have it...those traitors never deserved it." Kellin gazed at him seriously, before nodding slowly. "Then shall I send out a patrol to speak to Dai?" "No." Patrick coldly stared past him towards Ainsley. "Let the new one go."
Kellin followed his watch and also looked at her. "But she does not have any proper training." He glanced at Patrick questionably. "You really expect her to return from there alive?"
"Dai won't hurt a female." Patrick answered calmly. "But he would pretty much murder all of my best fighters if you sent them out." The smaller male raised his eyebrow at him. "So you think a new comer who is a female will not get hurt...?" Kellin sighed. "We all know Dai is full of surprises towards us but if sending her is your choice then let that be." Ainsley slowly took a step back, as Kellin started approaching her.
"Solo patrol to the outsider territory at daw." The male flatly said. "Ask to speak to their alpha about making our territory bigger." She looked at him blankly. "But I don't know anything even about our territory." Kellin shrugged. "No choice you have to do it."
"May I atleast have someone to help?"
Kellin kicked at the rocks on the ground a bit. "I will get Shane to come with you until the west border after that you are on your own." "But-" "Ainsley orders are orders I am sorry." Kellin looked at her quietly for a moment before turning and walking away.
Heartless Souls
AcakAfter a long time of doing this novel, I have finally managed to create the perfect name and the perfect writing style for it. Please enjoy, Heartless Souls A novel of blood, tears, hurt and power all coming from humans. What you see with your eyes...