Chapter One

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Started March 29, 2019

Ended: Discontinued September 9, 2019

Word Count: 30,205

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Song: Running With The Wolves by AURORA

When I took a short detour on the way home from work I did not expect my life to be changed forever...

I woke up like any other morning to the alarm on my phone. As usual, I pressed snooze a couple of times, then got up, stretched, and began to start my day. I took my scarf off and fluffed out my mass of bed-headed curls then went to the bathroom to do my morning ritual. After washing my face and brushing my teeth I teased my curls and I put on a thick cream sweater, light blue jeans, and my favorite boots.

After starting a kettle of tea, I went to wake up my best friend and roommate, Elliot.

"Get up sleepy head. If you're late one more time we're going to be fired." Elliot groaned and shoved his head of short black curls under the pillow. This went on until I threatened to pour a bucket of water on him. Finally, he revealed his annoyed hazel eyes.

"Okay, I'm up. Now leave so I can get dressed." I gave Elliot his privacy and made us both a cup of tea and Elliot some toast and eggs. I'm not really a breakfast person so I just ate a granola bar. Finally, Elliot made his appearance downstairs and we ate together.

I grabbed my coat and scarf on the way out and we left our small, cheap apartment. We took Elliot's car since mine is currently in the shop and set out to the truck stop diner where we worked.

The rest of the workday passed by in a flash since it was a busy day. Between taking orders and dealing with angry customers I couldn't catch a break. The worst part was that Elliot had something unexpected come up so he couldn't give me a ride home. He was very apologetic and whatever he had to do seemed urgent. Then, as if fate was playing a cruel trick on me, just when I clocked out the weather abruptly changed and the sky started pouring down rain. Just my luck.

Faced with an hour walk in the pouring rain I decided to take a quick yet dangerous short cut. The forest was known to be an unsafe place. In our small town rumors spread about disappearances and even wolf sightings taking place in the forest. Of course, I was doubtful of the rumors but I didn't want to be the one who found out if they were true.

So, with my soaked coat wrapped around my hunched body and my boots sludging through mud and leaves, I veered off the empty road and into the forest. Putting in my earphones, I select my heavy metal playlist for the journey ahead. After about twenty minutes of walking, I hear a strange sound beyond the loud voice of my favorite lead singer and the pounding of drums. Taking out one headphone I listen and hear nothing. Thinking my mind is playing tricks on me, I turn down the volume and speed walk ahead more cautiously. Seconds later I hear the sound again, this time undoubtedly real and louder. I take out both headphones and stop in my tracks as I hear the sound again. Terrified, I identify it. Growling. From more than one source it seems. It sounds like a dog fight except these growls are way too deep to be from a dog.

Terror-stricken, I run as fast as I can through the forest. It's too late to turn back now and the nearest road is ten minutes ahead. The growls are getting closer and I wish I had participated in P.E class and ate less junk food because my lungs are starting to burn and my legs are giving up. Just as my knees are about to buckle beneath me, three figures break through the cover of trees ahead. Wolves. I stop dead in my tracks. Two are viciously attacking another one. The one being attacked is a sandy brown color and bigger than any wolf I've ever seen. Still, he's no match for the other two. One of them being an even huger dark brown wolf and the other an equally huge black wolf. Their huge furry bodies are a tangle of fury as they snarl, claw, and bite at each other. The sandy brown wolf is obviously getting weaker. Then, horrified, I watch as the black wolf sinks his teeth into the sandy brown wolf. He body twitches and struggles as the life leaves his body, then goes limp.

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