Chapter Twelve

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Axel has been avoiding me for the past few days. Every time I try to talk to him he finds some excuse to go away. At first, I was hopeful but the days without my mate have been taking a toll on me. Now, I lay in bed without the energy to get up and face the world. My heart feels like it's a hundred pounds in my chest. It's pathetic, really, how I'm so depressed over a boy I've known for about a month.

"Uh-oh, I hear Adele playing. This must be bad." I hear the muffled words from Elliot through my door.

"We have to get her out of there." I hear Faye say. I sigh and roll over onto my side, wanting to be left alone. Finally, the door creeks open and they cautiously walk in.

"Hey, girl! We just came in here to check up on you." Faye says. The excitement in her voice is obviously hiding her worry.

"I'm fine," I mutter.

"Cut the crap, Maebug. You've been moping in here for days." Elliot says, calling me out.

"I said I was fine."

"Well, that's bull. Now, we're going to cheer you up whether you like it or not." Elliot insists. He starts ruffling through my closet and pulling things out.

"What are you doing! Leave my stuff alone!" I exclaim, annoyed.

"We're taking you on a girls night," Faye says again. She starts again before I can protest. "Now, we don't want any back talk. Don't even waste your breath because Elliot and I won't listen. This is going to happen so you might as well get dressed and stop wasting time.

"This is so unfair!" I groan, grabbing a pillow and throwing a pillow onto my face.

"Well, get used to it, babe. Now, should we go for the black party dress or the red sex kitten number?" Elliot asks, holding up the two dresses.

"Red sex kitten dress. That will show Axel what he's missing out on," Faye says.

"Don't I get a say?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Nope. Now get up before I drag you out of bed." Elliot orders, pulling the covers off of me. Realizing that there is no way to talk them out of this when they've already set their minds on it, I begrudgingly get up. Faye quickly pushes me into the bathroom for a shower. I strip down and turn on the water annoyed that my moping session was interrupted by my loving but crazy best friends.

As soon as I'm out of the shower, wrapped in a white fluffy towel, they begin their assault.

"Hey!" I shout, covering myself with my hands when they pull the towel off, not caring about decency.

"It's nothing that we both haven't seen before, trust me. Now put this on." Elliot says, handing me a pile of clothes. Jesus, they even picked out my underwear. Deciding that I need new friends, I stop protesting and throw on the clothes they've given me. As soon as I'm done, they begin doing my hair and makeup. Elliot defines my curls while Faye applies my makeup.

"All done!" Faye says, standing me in front of a mirror.

Even though I'm annoyed that they've disturbed me and invaded my privacy, I have to admit that they did a good job. They put me in a snug red dress that hugs my curves. It's spaghetti strapped and ends dangerously close to my butt. They paired this with black pumps and a black chocker. My makeup is stunning, a dark smokey eye and red lipstick. My curls are beautifully defined, the bouncy spirals framing my face.

"It looks great," I admit begrudgingly.

"Of course it does. We did it. Now, strut your stuff downstairs and show Axel what he's missing." Faye says.

They do force me to strut my stuff downstairs but to their disappointment, Axel isn't there to bask in my glory. Milo and Rachel come along and they all refuse to tell me where we are going no matter how much I ask. On the way there the car is filled with girly chatter and Faye's god awful singing. I can't help but admit that I am slightly cheered up from my friends' contagious personalities.

"We're here!" Elliot says excitedly, clapping his hands together happily. I look out the window and see a popular night club complete with bouncers and a line.

"You guys did not take me to a club!" I exclaim, looking out the window in disbelief.

"We did. Now get out so you can shake your behind, girly." They drag me out of the car and towards the entrance of the club. They show off their VIP cards (which must have cost a fortune) to the bouncer and we are let into the loud night club. It's filled with grinding bodies and loud music. They drag me to the bar and order me some drinks before dragging me to the dance floor.

I'm not a good dancer but neither is Faye so I don't feel so awkward. Soon we are moving our bodies to the beat of the speakers. My heart pounds against my chest and my breathing is heavy from exertion. For the first time in a while, I feel happy. Rachel and Milo dance with random guys but the rest of us turn everyone down because we have mates.

When we finally leave the club we are a fit of giggles. I have long ago removed my shoes because my feet were killing me and they dangle from my hands as our chatter fills the otherwise empty parking lot.

"I told you this would cheer you up!" Elliot says once we are situated in the car.

"I have to admit...that was fun." I say with a smile.

Once again Faye's horrible singing fills the van as we drive back to the pack house. Elliot's humor has me clutching my sides as I laugh by the time we reach the pack house.

"Uh... by the way... I think we're kind of in trouble. We're not supposed to be leaving the pack house unsupervised." Faye says hesitantly before we leave.

"Are you kidding! You just now decided to tell me!" I say incredulously

"We're grown women! If we want to have a girls night we can have a darn girls night. And if Axel or Lee has a problem with that then they can take it up with me!" Fay says bravely.

"I'm already on bad terms with Axel! This is going to be horrible." I say, dreading facing Axel. We get out of the car and fearfully walk towards the pack house. I put the key in the door and open it hoping that Axel or Lee aren't standing behind it.

Just our luck, both of them are standing on the other side with deadly looks on their faces. Rachel, Milo, and Elliot quickly escape to their rooms, probably thanking the heavens that they don't have to deal with this.

"Um...funny seeing you guys here." I give a nervous laugh.

"What.The.Hell." Axel growls out.

"Do you two have a death wish or something? Because you seem to like driving us crazy with worry!" Lee barks.

"For your information, we are adult women! You don't get to tell us what to do!" Faye exclaims. When I see the look on their faces I want to slap my hand over her mouth. Why would she provoke them!

"Mae, we need to talk," Axel growls, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me upstairs to our room. I hate that the one time he chooses to stop avoiding is because I'm in trouble.

"Jesus, do you have a kink for giving me a damn stroke! Because you seem to be doing that a lot lately." Axel exclaims.


"No," He interrupts me. "I don't want to hear it. You made me a promise that you would keep yourself safe. You broke that promise, Mae." Axel says, seriously.

"I'm sorry, Axel," I say hanging my head in shame.

"Don't cry like the last time," Axel pleads. "I hate seeing you cry."

"I-It's just that you were mad at me and they just wanted to cheer me up. I didn't mean to break my promise." I say in a wobbly voice.

"I know. Just don't do that ever again. And since I can't trust your word for it I'm going to be keeping a close eye on you." Axel says firmly. I nod my head, not wanting to be on his bad side anymore.

"Everything is forgiven, love. I can't stay mad at you." Axel says with a sigh. I immediately wrap my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry for what happened the other day. I didn't mean to pry-"

"That wasn't your fault," Axel interrupts. "It just brought up bad memories is all." He reassures me.

"Now, let's get you dressed for bed. Maybe we can even watch one of your cheesy romance movies." He tells me. I squeal happily and hurriedly do my night routine. When I'm done, we curl up on the bed together with a movie playing. I fall asleep happily after the credits roll, glad that I have my Axel back.

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