Chapter Two

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Song: Howl by Florence + The Machine

I stay in that tiny cell for what seems like hours. I can hear pained groans coming from the other cells around me and I wonder If werewolves have a habit of kidnapping innocent citizens. After many more hours, I hear the faint sounds of voices. Moving closer to the bars of my cells I try to listen to their conversation.

"...saw everything. She knows too much."

"We should just get rid of her." I recognize this as the blond's voice.

"Alpha wants to talk to her first."

"She pepper sprayed me! Let me teach her a lesson before Alpha comes."

"We both know that Alpha would tear you apart if you disobeyed his order, Sebastian. He's on his way down here now anyway."

I sigh with relief when they're footsteps fade. I remember what the other wolf said about the Alpha not wanting to kill me and hope it's true. I still have hope that I will be able to see Elliot again. Thinking about Elliot I get sad. He's probably worried sick.

The door at the top of the stairwell opens and heavy footsteps make there way down. I cower to the corner of my cell and wrap my arms around myself. Finally, the feet are at the bars of my cell. I can see the heavy boots that give away that this is a man.

"Why were you on my territory today." His voice is deep and sends a shiver down my spine.

"I was taking a shortcut home from work. I didn't mean to see anything. I won't tell anyone! I promise. Please don't kill me." The last sentence is a frightened whisper. Tears escape my eyes and fall down my cheeks.

"There have been some issues with spies and traders within my pack and if you have anything to do with that you will die a painful and slow death. Do you understand me!" He barks. His voice alone sends a rush of terror through me and I respond immediately.

"Y-yes!" I Yelp.

"Do you have any affiliation with another pack?" He questions.


"Look at me." He demands. I cower, too afraid to move.

"Now!" He snarls. I jump lift my eyes to his and my hear stops. His eyes are a deep onyx color and hard as stone. Curly black hair fame his face. He is huge, bigger than anybody I have ever seen, at least 6'5 feet of hard muscles. Michelangelo himself must have carved his body from stone. But what really stops my heart is the jagged scars that cover face and run down his neck, disappearing under his shirt. Still, I doubt anything could take away from his beauty, even his severe scarring. I watch as his onyx eyes look surprised, then soften.

"Mate." He says.

"W-What?" I ask confused.

"I thought i'd never find you." He whispers. I stare at him dumbfounded but glad his terrifying investigation is over.

"Please don't hurt me." I croak.

"I would never hurt you. Come, I need to get you medical attention immediately." He opens the cell and reaches his hand out to me and I take it too scared to refuses. I shock runs through my body as our skin meets and I can tell he feels it too because his eyes close in pleasure for a couple of seconds. Then he gently pulls up and to my surprise takes me into his arms. I yelp as my cheek meets his hard chest.

"I'm too heavy," I say, suddenly insecure about being in a man's arms that didn't belong to my best friend.

"You are no such thing, honey." Is this the same guy who was about to murder me five seconds ago? I decide that this is better than dying a 'slow and painful death' and stay quiet as he makes his way up the stairs. We pass a couple of people who are as confused as I am. We arrive at what looks like a hospital room. It's all white with a small cot and a couch. An older lady with graying white hair meets us there.

"Jason and Lee found her on our territory. I think she might be hurt." He almost looks scared as he set me on the cot.

"I'm Lisa, honey. Are feeling all right?". She asks kindly.

"Um... A little shaken up and bruised but other than that I'm fine." Lisa then cleans my cuts while I think of a way to get out of here. I'm pretty sure this place is heavily guarded so I'll need to hijack a car or something.

"Your all good to go," Lisa interrupts my thoughts. "Just take it easy tomorrow and get lots of rest." Alpha walks me out of the hospital room and up a
large staircase. We arrive at the door and he opens it to reveal a large bedroom. It's very masculine with dark wood floors and a huge bed with black covers. It even has a couch and a huge flat screen tv.

"There's a bathroom to the left and some clean clothes in the drawers. I have some work to do but I'll be back later tonight. We have movies so help yourself. We'll talk about everything after you've had some sleep."

"Okay...Thanks." I say awkwardly waiting for him to leave. I let out a sigh of relief when he's gone. First I need a shower, then I need to find a way out of here. I walk into the bathroom and like the rest of the mansion, it's fabulous. I thought crazy kidnappers lived in dirty cabins in the woods. Guess I was wrong.

I exit the shower and wrap myself in a white fluffy towel. Then I look through Alpha's drawer for clothes. Everything is way too big to fit me so I settle on a black T-shirt and gray sweats so I can pull the drawstrings to fit my hips. Even though I'm on the curvy side his clothes hang around my frame loosely.

Now it's time to plan my escape. I try to gather everything I remember from Twilight about werewolves but all I can come up with is something about imprinting and Jacob's abs. I heard that silver is their weakness...or was that vampires. Maybe if I can find one of those dog whistles I can momentarily distract them while I escape.

Giving up on my stupid escape plans I go to the door to leave only to find it locked. All the windows are too high to jump from. There's no way out of here. Disappointed, I decide to postpone my escape until tomorrow. Since there is no way in hell I'm sleeping in the same bed as a murderous werewolf, I put a random movie in the DVD player and curl up on the couch. Surprisingly it's more comfortable than my bed. Minutes after head hits the pillow I drift off to sleep.


I wake to strong arms lifting me from the couch.

"What-" I start to say drowsily.

"I'm moving you to the bed, princess." A deep voice says. I nod through the fog of sleep and almost drift off again against the hard chest. I'm put in a comfy bed and tucked in. I smile because I haven't been tucked in since I was a little girl.

"Goodnight, love." I hear the deep voice say while tucking me against his chest. Sleep takes me before I can respond.

A/N: Sorry that this was such a short chapter!

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