Chapter 16

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The light of the morning sun peaked through the blinds, gently caressing over Mikayla's skin. Damien had woken up a few minutes ago and he could not help but admire her as she slept on her back, her long dark lashes caressing the top of her cheeks while her long curls were fanned out on the pillow beneath her.

The way the sun danced over her body left him speechless. The light seemed to turn her brown skin almost into an enchanting golden bronze, which made his heart skip a beat. He was falling in love with her. This was a realisation that he had made since his embarrassing outburst with David Pierce at their meeting in New York.

Of course, when he had first laid eyes on her nine months ago it had been lust at first sight. But with each of their encounters while she had worked at Northefielde's, he found himself becoming more and more interested in her as a person and not just because of her curves.

"Such lovely curves at that," he softly said to himself

Mikayla shifted slightly in her sleep. The sheet fell away from her chest, causing her large breasts to be on full display. Once again, the way the sunlight washed over her body, Damien could not help but be transfixed by her figure, her dark nipples just begging to be kissed.

Since Mikayla had started working for Damien, he had realised that over time, his lust-filled feelings began to evolve into something more. He admitted to himself that he was smitten, not just with her body but by the woman who it belonged to. She respected him, yet had no problems in telling him when he was out of line. He appreciated that the most about her. People usually cowered beneath his power and gave into his every demand.

Not Mikayla however. Even though she was strong willed, she had come to him and had asked for a job, abandoning her pride to do so. Perhaps it had been in that moment that his lust had started evolving, but it did not really matter now.

Their relationship had changed last night and he was not about to go spewing words of love so soon. He was a man after all, and as such, his ego could not handle the rejection if she did not feel the same way. Although a part of him knew that she did. It was hard for him to explain, but his instincts had never been wrong.

Damien had never felt this way about a woman before. He had felt something slightly close once. Unfortunately, she had just been after his money, which he thankfully had noticed before his feelings had had a chance to fully develop. A part of him wished that Mikayla was more impressed by his wealth; he was not sure how to show her affection without throwing money around. He was happy that she had enjoyed the dinner last night, he just needed to continue to find a middle ground between grandeur and simplicity.

"Baby steps I suppose," he said to himself, as he could not help himself anymore and reached out with his left hand to gently caress her right breast.

Moving slightly closer, Damien leaned down to kiss her skin. The touch of his lips slowly roused Mikayla out of her sleep, her eyes blinking a few times as she focused her gaze on him.

"Good morning beautiful," Damien softly said, his aquamarine eyes looking up at her.

Mikayla's reply got caught in her throat. She wondered how it was that he managed to make her speechless even after all they've done. The way the sunlight shone into the room and cascaded over his smooth and fair skin, made his beautiful eyes pop even more.

She saw him smiling up at her before he slowly moved in for a kiss. She could feel his breath upon her skin and, without any hesitation, she grabbed the sheet and fell back off the bed. She wanted to put some distance between them, as she pulled the material up to her face like a mask covering her mouth.

"How is it that you don't have morning breath!" Mikayla's eyes widened in surprise.

At first Damien had been confused when she had suddenly pulled away from his incoming kiss, momentarily causing him to wonder if she might be having second thoughts about last night. However, the words that came out her mouth were so unexpected that he could not help but laugh loudly.

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