Chapter 11

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Turning around to look Damien in the eyes, Mikayla's voice was full of surprise, "What? That can't be true!"

As he opened his mouth to speak, she quickly cut him off.

Mikayla found herself frowning as she said, "You know Damien, I know that we still have to talk about us. There's one thing that I want to make clear, I don't want us to lie to each other, no matter how painful the truth may be."

Letting go of her waist, he ran his hands over his neat beard and up until his fingers gripped his hair, "I'm not lying Mikayla! Of course, I've had my fair share of women, yes, but my grandmother always told me that the bed you sleep in is a sacred space. It shouldn't be a place that strangers just waltz in and out."

"Yea, something about people leaving their negative energy behind," Mikayla said in agreement.

It was a saying that she had often heard older people mention back in the Caribbean, especially when criticising the promiscuous behaviour of the younger generation.

"Come, let's go have that talk of ours," Damien said as he took her hand in his and led her back downstairs and into the main living room.

Mikayla sat comfortably next to Damien on one of the couches. She fiddled with her fingers while her hands rested on her lap, her insides suddenly feeling uneasy. She had no idea where this discussion would lead. However, she hoped that it would not leave them in an awkward position.

Damien placed his left hand over the top of her two hands to stop her nervous fidgeting. His thumb gently caressed her skin in the hope of calming her down as he spoke.

"Contrary to popular belief, I am not a player nor am I this obnoxious asshole that just uses people and discards them once I'm done. Sure, within the corporate world I can be ruthless, but that's just business. When it comes to treating people like human beings, I do my best to not go out of my way to use people or take advantage of young ladies," his voice held a sincerity in it.

Mikayla sat there and listened to Damien, enjoying his touch against her skin.

"I like you Mikayla, I like spending time with you, regardless of the setting. I know that you must be feeling like I have ulterior motives behind everything that I've helped you with so far. Ever since I first saw you at Northefielde's all those months ago, I don't know why, but I just couldn't get you out of my mind," he paused for a moment to take in her reactions.

As Damien's words washed over her, Mikayla found it hard to believe in what he was saying. She saw the honesty in his eyes and heard the genuineness in the tone of his voice. Her face displayed her surprise but her eyes told him that she believed his words.

She could not believe how much of her life had changed in such a short space of time. Mikayla had gone from losing her job at Northefielde's to getting hired by Damien's company.

On top of that, she had been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to live in one of the most exclusive parts of London and was now discussing her feelings with her handsome boss on his couch. If someone had told Mikayla that these events would all take place within the span of three months, she would not have believed it.

"What were the odds?" Mikayla quietly said to herself as Damien's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

His aquamarine eyes locked with hers, the yellow flecks seeming to spark as he continued to speak, "Of course, in the beginning, your body completely hypnotized me. However, when I heard you speaking with other staff members, coupled with the reports that you would submit, I realised that you weren't just extremely sexy but you were also a woman of substance, that possessed a high intellect. Not only are you smart, but you are humble as well as kind, which by the way is a major turn on for me. That, added to the fact that you didn't kiss my ass, only made me more curious about you."

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