Chapter 20

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"Relax Mikayla," Damien said, as he watched Mikayla pace back and forth next to him in the lobby of their residence, as they waited for her parents to show up.

Her eyes kept glancing at her phone looking at the time. It was 6:59pm and her parents would be here soon to have dinner with herself and Damien. As expected, when she had called her mother Cynthia on Sunday, she had not been too pleased. The phone conversation had not gone as well as it could have. Mikayla frowned slightly as her mind replayed the conversation.

'Mikayla had cringed as her mother's voice had shrieked through the phone.

She had pleaded, "Calm down mum."

"The last time we spoke you just got back from New York and you told me the flat the company gave you was bigger than expected. Now you're dating your boss and you guys have moved in together?" Cynthia's voice had lowered a bit before raising slightly again, "Please let me know if I left anything out!"

Sighing softly, "I know it looks like we're rushing..."

Cynthia had not let Mikayla finish her sentence as she had interrupted, "Rushing? Rushing? What de ass Mikayla? He's your boss for crying out loud! How can you be sure he's not using you? Why would you jeopardize your career like this?"

"Mum..." Mikayla's words had died in her throat as tears had suddenly blurred her vision.

Damien's hand had suddenly gripped hers tightly as he had sat next to her while Mikayla sighed heavily into the phone.

She forced the next words out of her mouth. "I know it seems like we're moving too fast, but he really wants to meet you both. Can you guys just come for dinner Wednesday? Just meet him first, then you can jump to conclusions."

Cynthia had thought that she was a good judge of character. However, after the incident with Brian Northefielde she had begun to second guess herself. She simply did not want her only child to get hurt again by another unsuspecting kind boss.

Her experience, as far as rich people were concerned, had often left a sour taste in her mouth. She had seen the way that they acted when Roger had taken her to his work functions. He was an accounting manager at a large bank and while not all his clients were awful, many of them often looked their noses down at others and were overly obsessed with money and power.

That's how they had met Brian, who they thought was a good friend. In the end, he only ended up using those around him, their daughter included.

Pulling herself from her thoughts Cynthia had sighed as she said, "I don't mean to fly off the handle Mikayla, but after what happened with Mr. Northefielde, I'm very on edge with these rich boss type of men. I don't want you to get hurt. You've worked so hard; I don't want you to lose everything again over a rushed decision."

"I understand mum, I really do," Mikayla had said as she had squeezed Damien's hand in return, "but when have you ever known me to make a rash decision, ever! What happened with Mr. Northefielde was because of his greed. It was a wise investment and had things gone the way it should have; it would have proven to be a most profitable result. I'm your daughter, you know me. If I didn't think what I'm doing with Damien isn't a smart decision you know that I would have never agreed to move in with him."

Her mother had calmed down slightly but not by much and had agreed that Roger and herself would stop by Damien's penthouse at 7pm Wednesday night.'

With an impatient sigh, she continued to pace about the lobby.

The sound of her mother's voice brought her out of her thoughts, Damien was at her side immediately.

Mikayla' s parents entered into the building's foyer. Her mother Cynthia was of average height, her long black hair had strands of grey sprinkled about. She was an attractive woman of Indian heritage. Her stepfather Roger, was a tall Caucasian man with light brown and grey hair and bright blue eyes. They smiled as they approached.

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