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HEAVY HANDS PUNCHING THE RED AND BLACK punching bag was the only sound that filled the darkroom, heavy breathing as a leg kicked as high as she imagined it was the face of one of her many enemies. She, a fierce warrior. She, a leader of her own will. She, a not a hero and most unquestionably not a villain. She is a demon.

Most women her age should have been in college now, planning their futures as they grow and to develop. But this girl, she has seen more than anyone can possibly imagine. Her mind swirls as she hears the voice of those she has taken lives from, the pain and numbness that she feels after all of her missions. Her name was Jaymie. Jaymie Barton, an ex-agent of the infamous secret organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D, master in many of her talents and precise at any of her targets. Her legacy gives her the credibility she needs in order to piss the right people off in her line of work.

Jaymie, a dangerous weapon, has secrets and priorities that only need to keep in only a few people's mouths; the people that she trust and it weren't a lot of them these days. When S.H.I.E.L.D fell by the hand of their enemies, Jaymie promised herself that she was out, finally free from what truly put her in there.

Fists hit harder and quicker on the already aching punching bag, ready to snap any moment. Jaymie's teeth grit with enough anger to finally set her loose over the edge and make the final blow to the sandbag, as it topples over and spills its remains on the grey concrete. Before she can go pick up another one, her hand flows down to a knife on the metal table, ready to aim at an oncoming target. She quickly turns to throw, steady to throw as it misses the object and it is dug into a wall.

Jaymie gasped lightly as her eyes go wide with shock as she looked at the figure standing at the elevator. Maria Hill, standing so profoundly as her body straightens away from the knife so easily close to her head. "What are you doing here?" The girl clenches her fists and stiffens her eyes to see her former co-worker.

"Just checking in on you..." Her eyes darted in all corners. " your strangely dark cave underneath your apartment," Maria chuckles as her hands clasp together holding a manilla folder that could only mean one thing: a mission.

Jaymie rolls her eyes and relaxes her shoulders, "how'd you find me, I'm off anyone's radar?"

"As someone who is proficient in searching for anyone, you should know that all tricks can be recreated," Maria bounced on her feet. Jaymie clenches her jaw as she watched the woman enter further into her lair as she called it.

She walks back and sits back in a dark chair, resting her feet on the table. Keeping her head towards Maria, "well what do you want from me then?"

Maria throws the file next to her and it makes a loud sound against the glass table, "I need you to find us find something, you should probably remember it in the reports a few years back."

Now interested enough, Jaymie kicks off and rest them back on to the floor and picking up the file. She opens it and takes a deep sigh as she reads into the report. Her eyes widen at what Maria wants her to do, she can't do this.

"No. Here take it, I'm not doing this," Jaymie picked up to file to hand to Maria. Unbelievably, the higher agent looks shocked in belief. "Why not! It's one quick mission, find the scepter and you can go back in this little crabhole that you call home," Maria raised her voice and Jaymie grit her teeth.

She shakes her head and closed her eyes, " no, I've seen what that thing has done to people especially him, and I'm sure that they can handle this its too much out of my paygrade."

"Unrightfully so as I can tell, you used to live for missions like these. You sit here and you train ready for a fight but you don't go out there and do something about it," Maria's voice hastily speaks as she tried to talk sense into the younger girl. The other women calmed down as she backs away, "Please Jay, I have high stakes that you and them can do this. If you do this one thing, then I will never find you again and never ask for anything from you ever again." Maria begs.

A low sigh came from Jaymie as she looks through the file once more as she saw what she was dealing with, it was just a simple grab and go mission with nothing else. Her mind fluttered to her memories of him, someone she loved a long time ago. Jaymie promised herself that she was out once it was compromised, to live a normal life afterward. She saw the people that she was working it, and oh god was it unusual. She heard the stories of how they saved the world of an alien invasion, and she was raised by one of them.

Oh, lord, her father.

It was only one mission but she'd be glad to see him again, he was the one where she learned all this from. She followed into his footsteps and made something wonderful from it, but also caused a lot of pain.

Jaymie rested a hand on her chin, her eyes looking into Maria's. "Do they know that I might be on this?" She asked, her friend's head nodded, "They know, they aren't to keen on the idea but with the right conversation they were okay with it."

"Does he know I might be on this?" She asked again raising her brown eyebrows.

Maria nodded again, "yes." Jaymie breathes out again as she felt this pang in her stomach, knowing that if she agreed to do this she might never want to stop again and that was the problem. Her ledger was dripping red with all the people she killed with the job she had or she went out to kill long before she made her way to S.H.I.E.L.D. They called her the Speed Demon with purpose because that's what she is, quick and agile to anything to come her way.

"Fine," Jaymie spoke out, "It's not like I haven't done it before." And in a quick moment, Maria picks up the file and puts a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"That's my girl. Now pack up, the jet is leaving in ten," Maria said and it gave Jaymie a warm smile curled up on her lips.

Jaymie Adams or known by her true name, Jaymie Barton, the Speed Demon was back into her regular self again.


i almost hate how i wrote this but it gets better as the story goes on and what it does to jaymie's story and character.

and as the chapters progress, we see more about jay's mystery man and her father so keep a close eye out.

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