sixteen (mid credits)

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IT WAS A NORMAL DAY FOR JAYMIE, she sat in her brand newly remodeled laboratory. By default, Tony set it up for her and designed it so that it would match her style. She had so much desk space to work on her builds, a small kitchen that was just a mini fridge and microwave also supplying the girl with her own candy bar, then she had a couch and a tv hanging on the wall. Then in an enormous tool self, it contained all of her arrows, knives, and swords with daggers lying around, her lab was a Heaven to her.

Jaymie sat at the long table, drawing up new plans for a bow. It was much needed for an upgrade since she first made it still in college, and the pen thing wasn't working out for her. She then ripped the paper out of her book and laid it flat on the table, soon the paper was now holographic and in the air. With FRIDAY now taking over as acting AI, she would tell Jaymie what was and isn't in her design.

She was about to carry on before the alert on her watch lit up like a Christmas tree as she had an incoming call.

"What's up bird dude?" was the first thing Jaymie said when she connected to talk to her friend Sam Wilson.

"Hey, I got an alert on an intruder on one of the old warehouses, you wanna join in?" His voice filled the room. Jaymie shut down the table and running to push on her suit, "hell yeah! I needed something to drag me out of the lab, be there in a minute."


Sam flew down with Jaymie by his side, she really needed to make herself some wings of her own. But the two looked down and the rocky ground, seeing nothing.

"What's going on down there Sam, Jaymie?" Still looking around, the archer couldn't find jack.

"We had a sensor trip but I'm not seeing anything," Sam said. "Wait a second," His red lensed goggles located something. Justing the same watch, it scanned the surface to find a small being standing there.

"They can't see me."

Jaymie spoke up, "Hey, jackass! We can totally see you." A few seconds later the small being that was invisible was now in front of the two.

"Hi, I'm Scott," the suit's mask lifted up to see an average looking man.

Why the hell was this dude saying his name? Jaymie thought out, still her and Sam keeping their distance.

"What are you doing here?" the Falcon spoke, Jaymie's hands still set on her belt, fists ready to start punching. "First off, I'm a big fan of the both of you," Scott started off.


"Appreciate it. So, who the hell are you?" the dark-skinned man asked and still holding his arms.

"I'm Ant-Man," Scott announced his identity. Jaymie stuck out a laugh, that was the funniest name she could ever hear in her life. "Awww, Ant-Man that's so cute. Sam, look, he really does look like an ant," Jaymie still laughed, the two men did not think it was funny.

"What, you haven't heard of me? Nah you wouldn't have heard of me," Scott was right, no one's heard of him before.

Jaymie, now becoming serious again, Sam began to ask why this man was here. "I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology, just for a few days, I'm going to return it. They need it to save the world, you know how that is," Scott pointed at the old Stark Industry warehouse still there on the facility.

"Dude, you don't tell the people trying to stop you about your plan to steal stuff from," Jaymie could not wait to begin thinking about all the ways to hurt this intruder.

Sam and the archer slowly approached Scott, he soon shrunk down into the rocks again. While shrunk, he punched Sam which made him retract his wings and fly into the air. Jaymie using her tactics went to stomp on the small man, not doing that so well as she missed all.

Jumping down from the room, Jaymie ejected her bow from the stationary position and fired arrows, using her watch as well to located the smaller man. Sam flew down right next to her, he received serval more punches than her, his wings flew back as he now had guns firing on the landscape.

Stomping on the grass, Scott then gave both Sam and Jaymie punches in the face and jaw. Jaymie became pissed, wanting to end this dude, she took a small knife from her waistbelt. This fight was dragging on as Scott then reemerged in size, Jaymie then went to punch.

Ant-Man then shrunk back down, clutching on the girl's sleeve. Jaymie's arm was then yanked being now realized that Scott was attacking her, her hand roughly hit her occupied arm. "Get off you asshole!" She hit herself once again to now Scott on her should, Jaymie yelling in pain when her shoulder became dislocated, still in ant size Scott made a heavy punch on the archer's face.

"I'm so sorry!" Scott then moved on from Jaymie, her nose flooding out with blood. Great, her nose was now broken too after one freaking punch.

She laid there in the grass, groaning as the pain immensely shot throughout all of her body. This small son-of-a-bitch was tough, Jaymie did have to give the man some credit. She then watched Sam and Scott fight, him shrinking and unshrinking. Her watch then detected that he was going into the old storage, she ran with Sam before Scott could.

The door opened for the two of them as the succumbed in darkness, both watching for any movement. "Alright, where the hell are you?" nothing was coming up on Jaymie's watch, but her instincts told her that Scott was still here lurking around to get that part.

Soon, something pushed Sam and Jaymie back in the metal door they both came in. Jaymie slid back into the grass, adding a soaring headache to the list on injuries she now had.

"He's inside my suit!" Sam fly widely, he was not controlling it this time.

"Sam!" Jamyie got up from the dirt to see her friend being dragged and screaming. She helped him up, not seeing Scott anymore on the two's now broken screens, "well shit."

Speaking into his coms, "it's really important that Cap never finds out about this."

Jaymie's bleeding face then groaned painfully, the girl was not going to be embarrassed by this. "Oh yeah, we're keeping this a secret."

Sam rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around the shoulder that wasn't currently wasn't dislocated.

"Come on, let's get that looked at."

Jaymie now walking with her friend, "that asshole punched me in the face!"

"I know, Jay. I know."



hey, so this is the end of speed demon :) i really felt like i could have added more characters or really i should have started from the avengers. but this won't be the last time for jaymie barton oh no, she's gonna be back for civil war. who's team do you think she's gonna be on?

 who's team do you think she's gonna be on?

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