7: come...Sleep...Isaac

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I had no idea what time it was but it seemed all the lights were out, signaling that they have all gone to bed. I pick the lock with my knife and enter the house. I look over at Jeff who is just looking t me.

“Go.” He said. I nodded and walked thought down the hallway, passed the kitchen and living room all the way until I reached the bottom of the staircase.

“They’re all upstairs by now.” Jeff just nodded his head nonchalantly and I slowly proceeded up the stairs. Each step I took seemed to be making a really loud creaky noise. I looked back at Jeff and he waved me to continue. I kept walking…and walking… and walking… until I reached the Top of the stair case. I looked to my left and then to my right…. Isaac was first to go. I walk slowly into his room and creaked open the door, just to find my little brother fast asleep. It warmed my heart.

“Remember, he didn’t do anything to help you.” I looked down and slowly walked in. he wasn’t there for me EVER he always got me in trouble and blamed me for things. I wish he was never born. I walked in over to him slowly and stood by his bed. I looked down at him and just stared. He eventually turns around and opens his eyes just to see me, he turns on his light and looks at me confused.

“Elsie?” he said.

“Come…Sleep….Isaac.” I don’t know what came over me but then suddenly I didn’t feel like myself. I lunged at him and jammed the knife in his throat causing blood to squirt out form his esophagus.  He tried to talk his words became gargled as his throat began to fill with his blood. I took the knife out and he hung his head. I lifted his head and said.

“Jeffry wants to you to sleep…come….sleep…Isaac.” and with that I slit his throat causing blood to spatter everywhere. I couldn’t help but laugh at this sight. I backed away from my dying brother laughing uncontrollably.

Once I was done laughing my brother lied there helpless and dead and probably cold as ice. I looked over at Jeff; his grin seemed to be wider than normal. Which I perceived as a good thing.  I walked over to him.  I didn’t feel any guilt or remorse, what I felt was odd...tingly feeling. I smiled at Jeff and he moved in close to me.

“Now go, your parents are waiting.” I giggle and nod and slowly leave the room and make my way down to the second door to the end of the hallway. I didn’t know I wasn’t happy…until now.

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