Chapter 1

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(y/n) POV

"Hey bro, you look less beat up than usual. What happened... DID YOU FINALLY FIGHT BACK?!" Scarlet gasped, "What? No, look it's none of your business." I said, "Oh come on! You can tell me cant you." She said, "No I cant!" I said, "Why not?!" She said, "Cause I know how you are and if I do then you'll go do something stupid, and then force me to train with you!" I said, "Fine don't tell me, but sooner or later I will find out what happened." She said, "Whatever sis." I said as I began to do my homework. 

Scarlet POV

"MARY WINCHESTER" I shouted as I kicked team MERG's door in, "YOU'RE DEAD!" I yelled as I drew Alpha Avenger, "Do I know you blonde?" Mary asked as she walked over to me, "You hurt my brother, now I'm gonna hurt you it's only fair." I said, "Fine we can settle this tomorrow my team versus yours. And the loosing team has to do whatever the wining team wants." She said, "Deal." I said and walked away.

(y/n) POV

"YOU IDIOT!" I yelled as I smacked Scarlet on the back of her head, "THIS IS WHY I DON'T TELL YOU THINGS!" I yelled, "What, it's my job to protect you so I don't see the issue here!" Scarlet yelled, "I KNOW MOM TOLD YOU TO PROTECT ME, BUT SHE'S NOT HERE! Besides now I'm going to have to fight." I said, "I know, but I'll make sure you wont have to." She said as she hugged me, "I told Mom it was a bad Idea to let you come here, but she wouldn't listen." She said, "It was my choice." I said. "Also how did you find out about team MERG?" I asked, "Oh a girl told me when she passed me in the hall." She said.

The next day I was nervous about fighting, but I tried my best to hide it. "Hey man you alright?" Oliver asked, "Yeah, just a bit nervous that's all." I said, "Don't worry I've got your back, plus your sexy sister wont let anyone near you." He said, I smiled a bit.

I was sitting alone mentally preparing myself for the match when I saw Raven walk into the classroom, 'Well now I cant just let the others handle this for me.' I thought and let out a sigh. 

"You losers ready yet?" Mary asked as she readied her weapon.

"You losers ready yet?" Mary asked as she readied her weapon

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"I was about to ask you the exact same thing." I said as I joined my team, "Bro what's up with you?" Scarlet asked, "I'm sick of people thinking I'm so weak I cant even pick up a weapon, so I'm gonna prove a point." I said as I drew Crimson Tempest, "Ok just don't over do it." She said as she drew Alpha avenger. Oliver readied his Phantom, and Ember readied her Ember Centennial. "I'll take Mary, Sis you take Emerald, Oliver you take Rex, and Ember you take Gurren." I said, "Right!" They said and then rushed at their opponents. 

"HOW NOBLE! FACING ME ALL ON YOUR OWN!" Mary yelled as she slashed at me, I blocked her attack with the shaft of my scythe, "You know I'm getting real tired of people underestimating me and my team." I said, suddenly I was surrounded, "Oh you mean the team that we beat already." She said, "One katana, a shotgun, two short swords that combine into a broad sword, a spear, two rapiers, and a broad sword." I said, "(Y/N) LOOK OUT!" Scarlet shouted as Rex punched me in the face knocking me to the floor. I got back up and tossed my weapon aside, "I hate this, I hate the adrenaline flowing through my vanes, I hate the feeling of my weapons in my hand, I hate the vibrations I feel when I block your attacks. I hate all of it, but do you know why I hate fighting so much?" I asked, "It's because I almost killed my sister when I was six, ever since I've hated fighting because I was scare I would one day kill someone, but you know what... there's no sense in fearing the inevitable." I said as I activated my semblance and drew Chaos Harbinger. Rex stabbed at me with his spear, but I caught it and crushed it, he drew his rapiers and slashed at me, but I cut off their blades and kicked him in the face sending him flying out of the ring. Gurren pointed his gun at me, but I cut off the barrel before he could fire. Suddenly both Emerald and Rex slashed at me. I drew Chaos Harbinger's hidden katana and discarded the main blade and drew Midnight Reaper. I blocked and parried their attacks, and once I had an opening I cut them across the chest depleting their aura. "And then there was one." I said as I sheathed Midnight Reaper. "DIE!" Mary yelled as she attacked, but I cut the blade off her weapon. She fell to the ground and slowly backed over to the edge of the arena, "P...please don't hurt me!" She pleaded, "(Y/N) THAT'S ENOUGH!" Scarlet yelled, "Hold on, I'm not done ripping the wings off this butterfly yet." I said as I raised my sword and stabbed at Mary.

"Next time you wanna mess with my team remember this, remember the look in my eyes, and remember how easily I could have killed you all if I wanted to." I said as I walked away.

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