Chapter 6

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(y/n) POV

"STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT ME!" Blair shouted with a crazed laugh as she fired off several shots from her pistol before switching it to it's rifle mode, "NO!" I yelled as I ran away, suddenly I was wrapped in shadows shaped like hands, "(y/n), (y/n), (y/n), you should have did as you were told!" She said as she kicked me into a tree.

Blair POV

I began to walk over to (y/n) so I could finish him off when I remembered there was a second potential victim! "Hey you! The cute one in the armor." I said, "You talking to me?" Raven asked, "Yeah, you wanna fight?" I asked, "No, not that it's not tempting." She said, "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to come back for you later then cutie." I said.

(y/n) POV

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled as I ran at Blair and kicked her gun out of her hand, "Cute, but you can do better honey." Blair said as she changed back to normal and then she changed into her combat form, "Come to me Chronos!" She said, suddenly a giant blue sword formed in her hand, I drew Crimson Tempest, "So we both went with high impact weapons." She said as the cylinder near the hilt of her blade rotated and repeated this action with the other five barrels, "The dust cannon sword Chronos, it's impressive." I said, suddenly she fired a blast of dark blue energy at me. I just barely managed to dodge her attack. "Your lucky I can only use that attack at full power once a day, unfortunately that was nowhere near full power." She said as she slashed at me, but I blocked her attack with the staff of my scythe, "Careful Blair this isn't just a scythe." I said as I switched it into its gun mode, "It's also a high impact anti-material rifle." I said as I fired next to her head, "YOU THINK THAT WILL STOP ME?!" She yelled as she switched her weapon to her Chaos Fang as sliced through my weapon. "(Y/N)!" Scarlet shouted as she threw Alpha Avenger at me, I activated my semblance and caught the sword, "Stand down Blair final warning." I said, "How about no!" Blair said as she slashed at me. I jumped over her and hit her on the back of the head with the pommel of my blade with enough force to drain her aura. "I warned you." I said as she returned to normal.

"That was impressive." Raven said, "Um thanks." I said, "Come on lets go." She said, "Wait where are we going?" I asked, "Isn't it obvious? Your taking me out on a date." She said, "Oh of coarse...wait what!" I said in shock.

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