Writing Prompts!

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Please pick 2 or more prompts
(Also please try to pick two that go well together!!)

•person you want

•ships are okay

•No Ocs

1."I'm just saying dude I think I would be a great narwhal"

2. "forget it, your a fucking asshole"

3."I'm sorry it was my fault"

4."When's the last time we went on a date?

5." OH you're jealous"

6."I think I just ripped my pants"

7."You're never going to let that go are you?"

8."Was that supposed to hurt?"

9."I can explain"

10."I don't believe you?"

11."I should have told you a long time long"

12."This is why we can't have nice things"

13."Why are we whispering?"

14."I don't want to discuss my sexuality with you"

15."I told you I've become immune to those puppy-dog eyes"


17."You're an idiot"

18."I didn't mean it like that"

19."Are you angry?"


21."You need to tell me whats wrong" "breath ok" "you're going to hyperventilate"

22."I think i broke him"

23."What on earth are you doing"

24." No last time we did that you broke your arm"

25."I was worried you could have at least called"

26."You love her don't you?" " was it that obvious?"

27."You're hurting me"

28."You're really drunk right now" "No you're just blurry"

29."This is why we don't listen to you"

30."what do you mean maybe? its a yes or a no question"

31."We could...You know, go together if you want?"

32."Stop getting crumbs all over our bed"

33."The sun hasn't even come up and you want me to do what now?"

34."Can't you see what he/she is doing to you "

35."You could have died"

36."How much of that did you hear?"

37."How the hell I'm I going to explain this?" "aliens?" "...Aliens"

38."Are you scared?" "No, I just have this terrified look on my face 'cause I'm have so much FUN"

39."I hate to say this but- This sucks" "It doesn't sound like you hate to say it"

40."You did this for me?" " No, I did it for Jeffery across the street. Yes I did this for you!"

41."S/He's your brother/Sister?"

42."That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."

43."I thought you didn't want me"

44."We need to talk"

45."Ok guys who ate my leftovers"

46."ulgh its Cold" "its 60 degrees weakling"

47."I don't need to go to bed, I'm not tired, I'll be fine."

48."I dunno dude, you should have bought a plant or something."

49."I cannot wait y'all! This is gonna be so much fun!"

50. "Let me get this straight...."

51."Hey, it's me, it's just me."

52."To be clear, I wasn't the one who thought this was a good idea."

53."You think trees look down at us and think, 'sup losers'?"

54."I'd rather be murdered by Santa Claus himself than go to that party."

55."We're lost." "No, we're not." "And it's getting dark." "We're fine." "I don't even know which town this is."

56. "What were you thinking?" "If I'm honest, I'm not sure I was."

57."Most people live and learn. You just live."

58."So what if someone gets hurt? That's just life."

59."Everyone knows you two are in love with each other."

60. "I've wasted so many kisses, so many opportunities."

61."Ew! Dude, that's my sister. If you're gonna kiss her do it when I'm not around, gosh!" "Uh, okay, then leave the room.""I can't do that! You'll kiss my sister!"

62. “Because I couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt!”

63."I never thought of him/her that way."

64."I don’t hate him/her as much as I thought I did."

65.- "I'm not sure how I feel around him/her."

66.“You're cute, you know that, right?”

67."Why didn't you tell me?"

68."So, how long have you two been an item?"

69."Can I come over? My parents are fighting again."

70."Go away." "No, not until I️ know you’re okay."

71. "How much longer are you going to stand there? It’s raining, you’re gonna get a cold."

72."When will you finally decide to say yes and go on a date with me?"

73."Sorry, I have a girlfriend." "I am the girlfriend, you drunk dumb ass."

74. "Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"

75."This is where we first met, right?"

76. "Stop moving on my lap, it’s not making the situation any better."

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