Cesar | #67/70

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"Go away."  I said to Cesar as he showed up at my window
 "No, not until I️ know you’re okay."
"I'm fine I promise there's nothing to worry"
"Y/n you got in fight with one of your best friends I don't think your fine" he said as he climbed in
"I just want to be alone right now Cesar" He sighed and sat down next to you.
"Do you want to talk about?"
"I she... You know how hard it is you tell someone you haven't been feeling like your self lately and you have depression and Anxiety.. Just for them to say to get over it there's people who have it worst you don't even have a real problem it's all in your mind your just looking for attention" Cesar sighed and hugged you.
"I'm sorry corazon I know how hard it is" I nodded and give him a half hearted smiled as he wiped my tears away
"Thanks Cesar but can we talk about something else" He smiled and nodded

"Ruby has a crush on Olivia"
"More like an obsession" I said
"yeah your right" he chuckled.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"How your feeling Y/n you know i really care about. But you never talk about this stuff to me"
"I don't feel comfortable talking about it Cesar...I know you care about me and I know I should talk to people it but I know how to cope with it"
"i just don't want to lose you Y/n...and not knowing how you feel makes me nervous" I nodded and looked over at him.
"I'm fine really trust me you don't need to worry... I'll tell you if something is wrong" Cesar sighed
"thank you Y/n" He smiled and kissed me
"you know I really do care about you y/n"
"I know you told me like a billion times right now" I chuckled
"I'm just making sure"
"I know and I appreciate it Cesar"
"ok now let's go get that ice cream you wanted" He said getting up
"Isn't it to late for that?"
"No nunca es demasiado tarde" he smiled
"Ok true" I giggled
"How did I get so lucky and fine and guy like Cesar" I thought as we made our way

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