Part 48: No way out

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Maggie was put on a make shift stretcher as Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and Michonne held a corner of it to keep it up and carry it as you all walked.
Rosita, Eugene, and Abraham took the RV to create a distraction. You and Carl were left just walking to fight off any walkers that may wonder in the way of the path.

You all made your way through the path of the woods, Carl running up and bashing a walkers head off. Everyone was exhausted and full of panic. You were shaking as you walked, scared of running into the saviors. It was harder for you, your leg was still healing from the attack and you still limped. You'd always limp.

You had pulled up your bandana over your face in an attempt to hide your identity.
You didn't have time to process or think about what happened in the bathroom.

Right now you just had to think about getting Maggie to safety and surviving.

Leaves began to crunch and whistles filled the air. You felt your heart beat against your chest. Everyone frantically looked around, "go!" Rick shouted. You all quickened your paces but the whistles are coming from all around, as if they surrounded you, trapping you. No matter what way you went or where you turned there was no way out.

You felt yourself panicking and your breathes getting shorter and faster. Tears burned in your eyes. You recognized this whistle. It was the same whistling tone your dad would use when he'd play hide and seek with you. He'd whistle and you'd whistle back.

This only made you panic more. Thinking it was all in your head. And you were just going completely insane. The whistles got louder and louder. Causing you to completely lose it and stammer backwards.
You bumped into Carl and he wrapped his arm around your waist tightly. Lights flashed on making you put your arm above your eyes to shield the light.

"We can talk about this" Rick said to someone, you couldn't see who. Your eyes were still adjusting to the light "we don't talk, it's too late for that Rick" Your eyes finally adjusted and you saw what was around you. Men and woman. A lot of them. And cars and weapons.

You also saw Eugene, Abraham, and Rosita on their news in front of the man. They were all beaten and crying, especially Eugene.
That's what really terrified you. What these people would do and could do. They'd already physically impaired you for the rest of your life.

"Give us your weapons and get on your knees" he instructed, you all looked at each other not budging. "Fine!" He yelled snapping his fingers and men began walking towards you. One of them grabbed you and the other Carl ripping you apart.

Carl held onto you as hard as he could but they were stronger. The man that grabbed you threw you to the ground next to Glenn. "On your knees" he said sternly and you actually listened your whole body numb and shaking. Carl was across from you in the line ,you had a perfect view of him.
Which was comforting but heartbreaking.

They forced Maggie off her stretcher and on her knees, she looked like hell. You held back your tears but your hands trembled. You couldn't hold yourself up. Your body felt like a million pounds so you put your hands out in front of you slightly resting yourself on them.

Your head was down and your hair fell around your face, the only thing visible being the gravel under you. You didn't have to look up to see how broken everyone was, it was obvious. "Remember this one?" You felt a cold metal being pressed against the back on your neck.

It was a gun.

The one named Simon chuckled. "Goddamn she just does not die" he paused for a second to walk over to you. He bent down to your level and grabbed your face in his hands forcing you to look at him. "Maybe you will today"

"Don't touch her" Daryl growled catching Simons attention, he let go of your face and stood back up. The cold tip of the gun was gone now. Simon ignored Daryl and just chuckled at him. Simon walked over to the RV door
"Lets meet the man"

Hey loves, should I post the next part soon or let this one be up for a little while? I feel like not many people have been keeping up with the story so I just want people to catch up. If you have any comments or questions my messages are always open. Xoxo - A

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