Chapter 14

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Oh how things can change in such a short time. They were so good. I was finally happy. But the world sure does like to play crule jokes huh.

Maybe I should back its up a bit and explain. It all started 2 months ago...

"guys! I seriously think I have enough! I just want to go home, watch Netflix and stuff my face. Are we all in agreement?" I sighed exosted.

The girls all mumbled okays and we started to make our way to the parking lot. We had been in Victorias Secret all day! I missed Dustan a lot and all I wanted to do was be wrapped safely in his arms.

The girls walked slightly ahead of me, laughing about something Cassie had said. I smiled looking at them. These were my friends. This was my life. I had an amazing mate, I had all these new amazing people in my life.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist and a cloth came over my nose. I tried to scream and fight, but it was no use. I was slowly fading into the blackness.

The last thing I heard was a man's voice. It was crackly and made me cringe.

"hello,luna," the voice snickered, "you're the final key to bringing down your beloved Alpha Dustan." and with that, I passed out cold.

"Throw the water on her! I want her awake!" I had heard this voice before. Oh yeah. The one that drugged me.

I felt myself being doused in water and I inhaled quickly and opened my eyes. I saw a man, he looked older, standing before me with a tarribly evil smile.

"Well good morning your magisty! I trust you slept comfortably?" he laughed sarcastically.

I looked around and saw that is was in a warehouse of some kind. There where people walking around us, busy doing things. Do I smell pine? We must be in the woods somewhere.

"Who are you! What do you want!" I yelled, struggling tp get free from the chair I was tied to.

The man laughed. "What I want is simple really. I want your mates head on a silver platter." he smiled in my face, to close I might add.

"you're sick!" I spat. I need to get out of here and warn Dustan!

The man's face went from evil smile to complete anger really fast.

"the alphas have been in power to long! They think they're better than the rest of us wolves. They think they can make up all the rules. Well I'm sick of it!" I flinched as he yelled this. "I'm going to kill every. Last. One of them. Werewolves need to be free! Not be ruled by a bunch of arrogant meat heads!" his evil look returned. He started to chuckle.

"You're completely insane! Now let me go!" I was crying now. I could feel my wrists being rubbed raw from the amount of struggling I was doing against the ropes.

"Take her to the room. This one will be tough to break."
And thus started the endless 2 months of torture.

Whipped. Cut. Suffocated. Drown. Any kind of evil torture you could think of, it happened to me.

2 months I spent there. Waiting for my Dustan to come save me. He was still alive, I could feel that much.

I was beginning to give up a hope that he would ever find me.

The door flew open and I weakly raised my head. The leader of the rouges, the man who had kidnapped me, stood there with the same evil look he always wore.

"Time for you're daily beating!" I was like this every day.

As tears were streaming down my face, my only thoughts where of Dustans face, and the hope that I would soon be rescued.

Please hurry, Dustan.

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