I'm Your Fairy Godmother

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Cleaning the house from top to bottom is a lot of work for just one person to handle but Eren gets help from his mice friends and his black kitten. Eren kept looking at the clock and it was fifteen minutes before seven and he need to clean two more parts of the house and that was the fireplace and the bathroom. While trying to clean, his stepfamily was getting ready themselves but Reiner and Jean keeps fighting over outfit would fit them and which one wouln't make them look a fool in front of the prince.



"Will you two stop fussing and just find a god damn suit to wear?" Annie said.

"It's Reiner's fault. He's being an ass again; scratch that a big fat ass to make my point." Said Jean.

"Look horse face, I'm not an ass and I'm certainly not a big fat ass either so get your facts straight dick shit." Reiner informed.

"I wish I was an only child." Jean huffed.

"Likewise little ass brother." Said Reiner.

"Alright you two enough chit chat and bickering. Let's get the suits ready and your boots on now." Annie said.



After finishing the bathroom and the fireplace, Eren still had ten minutes to spare but he realized, that he doesn't have anything to wear for the ball tonight. All that he has is his ragged clothes. But Eren soon realized, that his father had a suit that he got as a present from his mother many years ago and it's still up in closet near the balcony window. As his stepfamily was getting ready in the master bedroom, Eren went upstairs to the closet to get his dad's suit quietly so that his stepmother wouldn't hear or see him.


Passing the master bedroom, Eren found the closet and inside it was his dad's suit covered with a silk cloth. Guessing so the dust wouldn't get on it. He quickly grabbed the suit and ran to the nearest bathroom he could to clean up and change into the before his stepfamily left. As Eren was getting ready with only one more thing to put on the suit was a pendant that has wings on them, stating on the side of it said "wings of freedom" Eren hooked it on the side of his jacket and ran to meet his stepfamily at the front door.



"Stepmother wait I'm here now and ready to go to the ball." Eren said.

"Is that so?" Annie said.

"Yes, you said if I cleaned the entire house from top to bottom that I can attend the ball tonight." Eren said.

"Yes I did say but Eren, do you really think that the prince would rarely interested in the sight of you?" Annie questioned. "Or even danced with a house slave?" She added.

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