You're The One

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As Annie walked back into the living room, she groomed herself up and her sons before they heard a knock at the door and holy moly it was his highness Prince Levi with the mask in his hands and all Annie could think was getting away from the poverty life and into the glamorous one. She also remembered that she still had the key in her hand but hid it inside her left dress pocket. Annie greeted his highness and let him in the house so that the mask trying could proceed.



"Welcome to my humble home your highness." Annie said nicely.

"Thank you very much." Levi said.

"Now which one of my sons would you like to try on the mask first your highness?" Annie questioned.

"How about the blonde one." Levi said pointing at Reiner.


Kenny and Erwin looked like they were scared of horrified that the size of the male is twice as big as Erwin and it made Kenny feel like a shrimp. This male could be a fucking bodybuilder from hell, but they highly doubt that the mask will fit his face.



"Come on you stupid mask fit already. G-go...over... my fucking head." Reiner said struggling to put the mask on.

"Come on Reiner that's enough you'll break it." Annie said.

"I told you he has a big ass head mother. Couldn't even fit the damn mask." Said Jean.

"STUT UP HORSE FACE." Yelled Reiner.

"You shut up big head, couldn't fit even if it tried." Jean said.


Levi looked at the two brothers arguing and was already disgusted by the sight that it wasn't stopping either. Erwin signed and Kenny tried to hide his smirk and laughter. Well at least Reiner isn't the one and thank god because Levi would've got every single bodyguard he could find in order to protect himself from Reiner's human being.


Meanwhile in the Basement



"I have to get out of here, Levi needs me...he...just need me. I love him." Eren said trying not to cry.

"God damn these handcuffs, it's hurting my wrist. Where's my black kitten when I need him?" Eren said.


Eren heard a scratching noise coming from the small window that had little light shining from it but at least the black kitten came to his rescue with the mice by his side. Eren had a little smile appeared on his face knowing that there is still hope for him to be with Levi again.

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