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they stayed like that until they arrived at the hospital waking the girl that was asleep on yena's arms.

⚠️ warning sensitive topics

"i feel fine now" yuri says as she starts to get out of the car. "no you don't. before you got out of the car, you threw up. why don't you want to go in the hospital?" the older says as they both follow their manager towards the entrance if the hospital.

yuri just shakes her head and stares at the ground as they walk into hospital.

yuri's heart starts to race and she caught herself fidgeting every few minutes. she has nosocomephobia, a fear of hospitals. nobody knew this, not even her parents.

she developed the fear before she became an idol. growing up, her parents always told her she was nothing. they would lock yuri in her room for days at a time without anything.

in school, she's always had good grades, but her parents thought they weren't good enough. they would beat her until she couldn't move. the more she cried and tried to stop her parents, the worse the beatings will be.

yuri went to school almost everyday with new bruises and cuts on her one time she even had a black eye.

she always got bullied because of the cuts and bruises her parents gave her. they would tease her and say things like haha yuri is such a klutz. i bet she got those bruises from trying to dance. you're so ugly, the bruises and cuts on you make it even worse.

somedays, yuri would skip some of her classes and cry in the girls' bathroom. the bullies would hear yuri and hurt her even more than her parents do.

they brought a knife to school made cuts all over yuri. her stomach, neck, arms, legs, her everything was bleeding. they picked her up and threw her down the staircase.

she stayed there. she couldn't move from all of the pain she was suffering. when people walked by they didn't even bother to help. nobody in the school liked her except one person, but later did she know, that person didn't like her either.

yuri had a friend named sooyoung. she would always help and look out for yuri. when yuri's parents went on business trips, sooyoung always offered yuri to stay at her house so she won't be lonely.

when yuri was locked in her room sooyoung would quietly sneak through yuri's window and give her food. sooyoung stayed after school for tutoring the day yuri got thrown down the stairs.

when she saw yuri she called her dad and they rushed her to the hospital. the doctor examined yuri throughly and told that a part of her ribs cage was fractured and so was her arm, she also had a lot of swelling in the knee.

yuri had to stay in the hospital for about a week. sooyoung didn't tell the girls' parents because she knew what they would do to her.

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