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she pressed the tutorial and began learning.


the next day, yuri was woken up with a bucket of cold water poured on her "YURI WAKE UP! WE ARE GOING TO THE MARKET" it was her mother.

yuri woke up, rubbing her eyes, she got out of bed and got ready. it was pretty early in morning and the second part of the audition didn't start until a few hours.

once yuri and her mom got to the market, yuri's mom asked the girl to get milk and detergent while she gets some of the lighter stuff.

yuri grabbed the milk and detergent and started heading back to the cart, where her mom was.

on the way, yuri wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings and bumped in to someone.

"s-sorry" yuri uttered while bending down to pick up the milk she dropped. the person she bumped into also went down for the milk.

their hands, on top of each other, picked up the milk and the person quickly let go. she scurried off before yuri got a chance to look at her.

"wait!" yuri called out. the girl didn't hear her but the people around yuri did. they gave off a stare that made the atmosphere drop.

yuri apologized and ran to her mom. "what took so long?" yuri didn't reply. she kept her eyes to the ground and followed her mother.


just a quick chapter
i think i might've gotten my mom into izone 🤭

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