Chapter 19. Assassin's Greed

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That night, Ronin has Vamor hung, in the dungeon, by her ankles as punishment.

Master, am I expected to sleep like this tonight?

Indeed you are. You will, from here on in consult me for all punishment methods. 

Yes, master. Vamor blushes a bit.

If you begin to enjoy this, I can take harsher methods.

NO, no! This is terribly uncomfortable.

Ronin walks out and shuts the door behind him.

So... what are you in for? Dralmor asks.

Oh just hanging out. Vamor begins doing curls.

You are a terrible liar. Come on, tell me. I get so bored down here.

I assaulted a wolf girl.

Actually, I think I'm better off not knowing.

I think she was enjoying it.


Ronin chuckles to himself from the other side of the door. Two for one. He thinks to himself. 

Back in his room, Ronin smells a foul stench the minute he walks in. He chooses not to react, but rather to pretend to change in the mirror.

We are not alone. Edgar says.

I can tell. Ronin thinks.

Ronin turns around to see a silver-haired man. The man thrusts his hand towards Ronin's chest, but the blades on the man's gauntlet break against Ronin's skin. Ronin grabs the man and throws him, as the man lands on the bed. Ronin leaps upon him and begins to choke him. Just as this happens, Bainer walks in, seeing a shirtless Ronin on top of a strange man, she gasps and shuts the door before she is noticed. The man kicks Ronin off of him and staggers to his feet coughing for air. Ronin grabs him again and throws him out the window, shattering it. Ronin looks out, but sees nothing, not even the man's body on the ground.

Who the hell was that? Ronin thinks.

NO TIME, alert the guards. Edgar shouts.

Ronin runs out of his room shouting. ALERT ALERT, INTRUDER IN THE CASTLE!

All the guards come running. The first one kneels. What are your orders, My Thane?

Arm the guards, full patrol. Guard the prisoner, the Princess, and our guests.

AT ONCE. The guards scatter quickly. 

Ronin casts life detect and begins searching the grounds, but finds nothing. The castle remains on highest alert for the rest of the night, on into the morning. Ronin returns to the dungeon to release Vamor, but finds her sowling at him.

So I heard you had a man in your bed last night, MASTER!

Who told you that?

Dralmor snickers in his cell. 

Bainer! She rushed to me the moment she saw it. I didn't know you swung that way...

I was attacked and was fending him off. I even broke a window in my room, that I threw him out of. Besides, I could have said the same for you once!

Didn't agree with your dance partner, ah? Dralmor laughs.

OH SHUT UP! Ronin shouts. Did you not hear the commotion as I alerted the guards? Ronin asks Vamor.

No, I was entertaining our prisoner. 

Please, she has learned her lesson, please take her out of here. Dralmor begs.

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