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A/N: Now I'd like to talk briefly about how victims get involved with these men, and what type of people they like to target. 


That's what we call the prey when the predator (Abuser) gets a choke hold on them. A victim of abuse can be any age, any gender, and any nationality. There is no specific cliche for victims. 

Except for maybe child abuse, because those abusers target only children, and teenagers that are their own or non-related to them. It's probably one of the worst types of abuse in my opinion. 

Anyways, there are many types of victims I could talk about, and many types of less known abusers I could teach you about but lets stick to the topic of girls. Girls are at a higher risk to get involved in an abusive relationship then men, meaning have to know their game. 

Abusive men--or *cough* men with personality disorders--all tend to target the same kind of girls, and right now I'm going to tell you what they look for in a victim. Usually these men target sweet, kind-hearted, naive girls who aren't strong-willed, and have deep insecurities. 

In stories these type of girls are labeled as 'good girls' who go 'semi-bad' for the bad boy. In many cases Abusers will charm these girls with presents, make them feel good about their insecurities, and under-handedly take advantage of them because their weak will doesn't allow them to say no. 

That doesn't mean that overally-confident, strong-willed girls get ruled out to though. Abusers are sneaky, it doesn't matter what you do, or how hard you study, you need to know them for a bit before you can see the signs. Even then you might miss them. 

Now lets talk about victims unintentionally pursuing the abuser. 

Now adays in many tv shows, movies, books, and songs girls talk about the thrill of having a man dominate them, and take control. Yeah girls, it's a thrill, until your thrill becomes a nightmare you can't escape.

 In some cases girls will pursue the mysterious bad boys that they read about in hopes the relationship in their book will come to life. That is by far one of the gravest mistakes you can make in dating. 

Your goal should be to find a nice guy, because no marriage will be at peace if you go after the bad boy. 

You can never take the bad out of a boy, no matter how sweet you are. 

Another reason girls drift towards abusive men, is because they have abusive fathers. Often girls with a terrible father will gravitate towards boys, and men like him. 

Believe me I can confirm that statement, but lets save all that talk for another time. 

So by now I'm assuming you get what I'm saying? And I'm also assuming by now your freaking the freak out (victorious pun). 

I bet right now your nervous that you might get targeted, or that your current boyfriend might be abusive? I'm pretty sure that your beginnning to compare yourself to the traits abusers go after hmm? 

Well don't worry darling. As long as you pay attention to the red flags you should be fine. 

And hey sometimes boys will have a couple of red flags and end up being just fine. 

Trust your gut, not your anxiety. If you get a bad feeling about someone, or about something run. 

Up until six months ago I've never trusted my gut, and I've had plenty of nights to regret it. 

A/N: That's pretty much it. If you have any questions about this please comment below! :)

B. Winters

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